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4 Effective Tips On How to Overcome Hardships In Any Situation

There has been and always will be, situations that literally seem impossible to overcome. Perhaps you’ve lost a loved one to sickness or old age? Maybe you lost your job and have a family to support, but zero cash flow? With no idea how to respond to your current situation, it may feel impossible to overcome hardships while in your state of mind.

No matter what the exact circumstances may be, I hope you know that you absolutely can overcome any hardships… the main key to overcoming anything is time. You know how they say, “time heals all wounds”? Well, whoever ‘they’ are… they were actually right! I know what you’re thinking, “then why does it still kill me to think of my beloved grandparents who passed away over the past 3 years?

Ask yourself this, does it hurt you as much as it used to, to think of your grandparents? Probably not, which is the perfect example of time healing your heart, over the space of time. In the interim, here are four effective tips on how to overcome hardships in any situation.


4 Effective Tips On How to

Overcome Hardships

In Any Situation



Know When to Get Help

The first thing you need to do when life gets hard is to ask for help. Admit to yourself that some problems are bigger than you are and that’s okay!

Acknowledge that there’s never any shame in seeking support or advice. This could come from friends, colleagues or loved ones.

Your grief may require more professional help from specialists, like certain doctors, therapist, a financial advisor or even a brain injury lawyer. Whatever the issue, there is someone out there who has the proper training and wants to help you. You are not alone!


Allow Yourself Time to Grieve

Whatever your current situation is, allow yourself the time to come to terms with it. Make whatever necessary changes you need to get better. When and only then, you start to feel well enough to return to ‘life’, you may start to do so.

Get yourself back on track slowly and again, only when you’re ready. Expecting an instant recovery from hardship can set you up for a disappointment. Be realistic about a time frame for improvement.

By all means, set yourself achievable goals to keep you motivated, but be patient and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.


Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

Looking at how others deal with situations can sometimes be helpful. Learning about the mindset they used to overcome a similar problem is sure to show you a way forward.

Realizing that others have been through and are going through the same things can also help with pushing past what you are going through.

But you must be mindful not to compare yourself to others. Saying to yourself that someone got over something quicker than you might leave you feeling like a failure.

There is no winning or losing when you overcome hardships, just recovering. You don’t want to risk feeling as though you’re doing worse than someone else, this can be very traumatizing.


Pay It Forward

Once things have started to settle and you’ve made some sort of peace with your hardship, why not turn your negative into a positive? Maybe there is a charity that was started around someone else’s experience of the hardship you faced?

Consider helping someone who is in their own desperate state of mind. It’s important to mention though, that as well-intentioned as you may be, you shouldn’t just into something like this too soon.

Honestly, that would be no good for anybody! Remember, this person will be experiencing all of the ups and downs of their own hardship. When they’re ready, giving advice is a good way to be supportive without risking any of your potential triggers. It’s not only a helpful thing to do but it will also help you work through any residual feelings about your own hardship.


No matter what awful things happen in every area of our lives, just remember that things can and will get better. With a positive approach, the right help and plenty of time, you too can overcome hardships, just as easily as the next lady.


Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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