0 In Self Improvement at Home & the Office

What Is Your Body Trying To Tell You?

Throughout your entire life, you’ll find that your body is always communicating with you. Your body may be trying to tell you something specific at times like, ‘drink more water’, ‘this bump doesn’t feel right’ or ‘please eat more fiber!’.

Whenever you feel tired, achy, or just ‘not right’, there’s always an underlying cause. If it’s necessary for you to take action, your body will send you a signal. These signals aren’t all bad but usually, when we think of our bodies sending us a message, it’s often about alerting us to something wrong. 

So if you are concerned about how you’re feeling in general or regarding specific symptoms, it’s best to consult a healthcare professional before you make any changes. But, to give you a bit of an idea about what might be going on, here are a couple of options to consider.

If any of these give you an “aha!” moment, remember… Take that hunch straight to someone, western or eastern influenced, whatever your preference. Just promise me you’ll take your theory to a professional of the body & mind. Great, on that note, let’s dive into a few options of what your body might be trying to tell you.


What Is Your Body

Trying To Tell You?



It’s Time to Change Your Diet

One of the biggest reasons for why you may be feeling tired, drained, sluggish, or even a bit sick, all comes down to your diet. Yep, something as simple as food could be making you ill. Diet plays such an important role in our overall health.

But if you’re not eating the right kind of diet for your “blood type”, “body type”, “mood”, “skin/hair coloring”, the list goes on, you could be harming your gut health and not even know it.

Or you could inadvertently be aiding in the destruction of your own thyroid. Sometimes, you may actually be having an allergic reaction to something you’re ingesting, like gluten or dairy.

However, it could just be that you have an unhealthy diet in general, which isn’t good for anyone’s body. Especially if your diet is rich in high levels of saturated fats or excessive red meat.

By making sure that you’re eating more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, your body will naturally function at its best. Your energy levels will increase and you’ll probably even lose a little weight too. Be sure to drink more water to rule out any dehydration issues too.


Your Hormones Are Off-Balance

Another common issue is that your hormones may be out of balance. A surprisingly high number of people today have too low or too high male/female hormone levels. If this is you, I feel your pain.

Personally, my issues are with my Adrenal glands but I too am dealing with hormones that are off-balance and it isn’t fun at all. These days, a lot of hormonal imbalances start because of the added hormones in our food!

Regardless of how you ended up with a hormonal issue, if you’re like millions of others, you’ve likely tried all kinds of medications and keep coming up short. You may want to consider trying natural remedies such as Tongkat Ali but remember to check in with your healthcare professional beforehand.


You’ve Been Exposed To Too Many Toxins

It’s no surprise that our bodies don’t really like being overexposed to toxins.

If you’re having an allergic reaction to a skincare product or to any of the beauty products that you use, it’s time to start trying some alternatives.

Homemade skincare, natural and organic products are often kinder on your body, which can then reduce any reactions that you’re having.

In recent years, it’s become apparent that like our gut, our very own skin has a microbiome as well. Yep, it’s alive!

We typically think of skin only as it relates to beauty — but it’s actually really important to our overall health, too. After all, it’s the largest organ in the body, and the major interface between us and pretty much everything outside of us.

Our skin is also home to a vast array of microbes, and research is just now beginning to piece together the important role they play in our health” – Dr. Kara Fitzgerald


You Need Some Rest!

Sometimes, what your body really needs is a break. It’s so easy to think that we’re invincible and that we can take on just about anything.

However, that’s not always the case. Because actually, our bodies need fuel and rest to be at their best.

So if you’re showing signs of fatigue and stress, you’re going to need to get some proper rest in order to be at your best again. Make sure you get to bed early and even practice meditation, as this can help your body to heal.


Remember, when in doubt, go for the grapes! Grab water in lieu of coffee (you’ll actually wake up faster!) and always stay out of the sun…


Jessica Rose Adams

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