0 In Self Improvement at Home & the Office

These Tips Will Help Keep You Fit And Healthy

Last Updated on February 2, 2019 by Jessica Adams

It’s hard to maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle, especially when being lazy and eating unhealthily is much easier, right? Well, is it? Not necessarily… In order for us to get the most out of life, we need to make a conscious effort to do everything possible to make sure that we feel our best.

As we naturally progress in age throughout this life, our bad habits will absolutely catch up with us and our good ones will very likely save us. So here are a few tips on keeping yourself fit and healthy, so that you’re around to play with your great-grandkids!


These Tips Will Help

Keep You Fit And Healthy


A woman does a yoga pose at the top of a mountain, over looking a cloudy mountain range


Drink Plenty Of Water

Water is essential to keeping your body full of energy, hydration and it helps to flush all the toxins out of your body. It’s recommended that we drink about eight, 8 oz. glasses of water per day. That may sound like a lot but just think of it as drinking four, 16 oz water bottles every day.

16 ounces is the average size of a drinking glass in your set of dishes and tumblers that allow you to fill up all day long without using any plastic. Without water, our body won’t be able to heal itself properly and we’ll feel more run down overall. All of this can result in an improperly functioning immune system and us getting sick more often.

So as you can see, it’s crucially important we that drink enough water to help us keep up a fit and healthy lifestyle. You should also remember to drink more water when exercising and when you’ve had too much to drink the night before. Don’t starve yourself of something your body needs to be healthy.


Integrate Exercise Into Your Daily Routine

Young woman stretching in a gym before her workoutExercise, some of us love it, and some of us loathe it. But the fact remains, we all need regular exercise to keep our body in good physical shape and our internal system functioning at its best.

For those of us who loathe the mere thought of exercise, look at how you can integrate exercise into your daily routine with what’s available to you throughout your day. Perhaps the only time you actually like to get moving is when playing a game?

You could join a local team at your Parks & Recreation Center. Or if you’re not one to play with others, you could hire a personal trainer to get yourself into shape. Either way, you should be taking part in some sort of physical activity 3-4 days a week.


Learn To Say No

Most of us have busy lives and while it can seem easy to say yes to everything, it’s much harder to say no. And most of the time, ‘no’ is exactly what we need to say to keep ourselves from burning out completely.

So, when you feel yourself getting sick from trying to be to everywhere at once, say no to the people pulling you in different directions. Turn down any work you can’t afford to take on and stand firm in your convictions against ‘overdoing it’, in every sense of the term!


Cut Out The Alcohol/Drugs

Alcohol and drugs are the absolute worst things you can ingest when trying to keep fit and healthy. Especially the older you get, the tole that it takes on your body is

So what happens when you quit drinking? Well, you’ll likely notice a big difference in your appearance, not to mention you’ll feel more energized. You’ll lose weight because certain alcoholic drinks can be loaded with calories.

Don’t forget that you’ll also save money when you quit drinking, which can go towards other, more productive things in life. Trust me, as an addict myself, just to ‘go dry’ and you’ll be sure to notice a difference in how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally.



Jessica Rose Adams

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