I decided I wanted to create a blog to share my creative DIY projects, passion for travel and exploration. In my random stumbling around, trying to navigate the blogosphere, learn where and how to begin, I connected with Jessica from Alegria's Muse on Periscope. I am in Australia and Jessica is in the US but this was no problem as the timings she offered were really flexible. It was like catching up with an old friend, Jessica is so bubbly and easy to talk to, which made learning so much easier and not once did I feel foolish when asking a question. Jessica was so generous with her knowledge and time, the session didn't stop as soon as our time was up and she checked out my blog as we were talking, giving me advice and feedback on the spot. She even gave me some homework! I am so grateful for the advice she provided and I look forward to learning more from her as I enter the brand new world of blogging.
Danielle Phyland
Owner of Poss & Ruby
In a few short minutes Jessica was able to identify my biggest challenge that I was having with blogging and really gave me a ton of encouragement and actionable advice on how to fix that issue on my blog. She was also was able to point out several other areas for improvement in our time together, pouring over my blog. She was again able to give me professional, actionable advice that really made a huge difference in the way that I approached my blogging. It really is a central hub of my business and it deserves to be treated that way. Jessica’s advice has really taken my blog to the next level and has really helped me take the next step in my business. Thank you so much Jessica! You are awesome!
Jeremy LaPierre
Business Owner & Blogger
What were you experiencing before working with Jessica? What was your greatest challenge as it relates to your blended family? Prior to connecting with Jessica, I was struggling with emotional baggage related to my blended family. My blended family was created through the infidelity of my children's father. The stress and negative energy I was holding on to, in silence, for quite a few years had risen to the surface and was clashing with my health, productivity, relationship, parenting abilities, and overall happiness. What did you love most about working with Jessica? Connecting with Jessica allowed me to vocalize, without judgement, all of the thoughts I was thinking and emotions I was tangled up with. Our session was truly a breakthrough. I found it difficult speaking to others who didn't necessarily understand our family dynamics quite like she does. Speaking with her helped me release the negative energy that I was holding on to for years. What results have you gotten so far? What has changed since speaking with Jessica? Since our session, I forgiven myself for trapping my hurt in and hiding. I have come out of hiding and mended my resentment. What would you tell others about working with Jessica? Would you recommend her? Jessica gives you the raw truth and creates space to allow healing. She understands the ups and downs of the dynamics of a blended family. Our conversation is one that I hold near and dear to my heart and one that I revisit often. I would highly recommend working with Jessica.
Crystal Layland
Coach & Business Mentor