We hope you took the time to click on the boards that you’re interested in and to make sure they’re the right fit for the type of content you regularly pin. What exactly does that mean? Well, are you choosing boards that are a good fit for your brands’ style and also, allowing you to pin as little or as often, aligning your pinning schedule with your business’ content marketing or editorial schedule?

Once you’ve decided on which group boards you’d like to pin to, please click on the “Send Request” button below. All pin requests are sent directly to our Executive V.A., Lauren, at lauren@alegriasmuse.com. Please include the following information  email with PIN REQUEST in the subject line:

  • Your name and a direct LINK to your Pinterest Account, for example, “Hi, I’m Jessica Adams and the URL to my Pinterest profile is https://pinterest.com/pinznthings27“. Lauren goes to every person’s profile to make sure they have a valid account and don’t spam their own account or other group boards, etc.
  • Next, list the board names you wish to pin on in any order. Also, please add the email address you use for Pinterest. You can link to it if you like, no matter, but we do need this information. It’s especially important for anyone who lives outside the United States since we’re not always able to look you up by your Pinterest profile name. If that happens, we’ll simply send you an invite through the email address you use for your Pinterest account. 
  • Finally, please be patient and allow 2-4 weeks for your board invites. There are 13 boards and just one Lauren! If you don’t hear from us within this time period, it was probably determined that you weren’t a right fit for the board(s) you requested to pin on. Due to a high volume of requests, we’re unable to reply to everyone who is not sent an invite but we try our best!

Most everyone who requests invites will receive them. If you don’t, it is NOT a reflection of you at all but perhaps your ratio of following/followers seems a bit spammy or you’re a brand new blog and repeatedly sharing the same 2-3 blog posts/pins… we get it, we all started out in the same place and you are you’re NOT being punished for being new! In fact, we encourage you to re-apply once you have at least 10-20 posts of your “freshest content“, keeping you in line with Pinterest’s ‘Best Practices’! 

Happy Pinning!