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5 Valuable Tips Helping New Moms Get Healthy and Fit

For those of you new moms (you became a mom in the last year) out there, the idea of getting “back to the gym” probably sounds like cruel and unusual punishment. It’s actually important that new moms get healthy and fit as soon as their bodies and minds (and babies!) will allow. Especially as you’re facing the nightly feeds and other tasks throughout the day! Now, that’s not to say that you should jump right into High-Intensity Interval-Training.

In fact, if you haven’t even done so yet, you should be letting your body heal before trying to whip it into shape with any strenuous exercise. You may have noticed after the first few weeks (assuming you didn’t have to have a C-section, like me, then you must wait 6-8 weeks and get a firm “okay” from your OB), you’ll start to feel more “normal” and naturally want to ease yourself back into your fitness routine – with the okay from your doctor, of course.

Becoming a new mom, whether it’s your first time or you’re a seasoned pro, is usually considered a magical time for a woman. But like everything in life, there comes a time when you need to transition from the ‘amazing event’ back to ‘everyday life. Whether your ‘everyday life’ already consists of healthy food and a balanced exercise regimen, this is definitely a popular time for women to suddenly get the urge to get fit!

Every woman’s body changes throughout her pregnancy but then, in postpartum, most women are in for a huge wake-up call. If you or someone you know has recently had a baby and could use some tips to help get healthy and fit again, you’re in the right place! 


5 Valuable Tips Helping New Moms Get Healthy and Fit




Start Walking…ASAP! 

The best and easiest way to slowly bounce back into your daily routine, all while maintaining the lowest possible stress levels (a key factor of self-care), you should try and go on long walks with your little one in tow.

This way, you’ll get the benefits of the fresh air, while working out your body. When you’re doing this, you could even wear a postpartum belly band. Something that many moms have invested in over the years, is the postpartum belly band.

The belly band can really be the perfect supplement to your walks, in an effort to keep up your strength, lower stress levels, and lose weight, along with moderate exercise and healthy eating.


Eat Lots of Nutritious Energy-Boosting Foods 

Not only is caffeine not conducive to your being able to naturally nap when your baby does but passing caffeine to your baby through breast milk is just not the best idea.

Granted, it would take quite a few cups to even transfer enough caffeine to disrupt your baby. Overall, it’s just not the best thing for you right now, regardless of how tired you are…     

Now that we’ve avoided caffeine, where will we get our energy boost from? Ah yes, we’ll get it the old-fashioned way, from the naturally occurring vitamins and minerals in the food we eat!

For example, lentils, salmon, and whole grains are all little-known “energy boosters” that don’t make your blood sugar spike either. Keep your focus on foods that are full of healthy minerals and energizing vitamins, and you’ll feel more ‘naturally’ motivated to take on whatever the day brings.


Heal & Repair Your Body

When you’re carrying your baby, your posture changes significantly over time. And after giving birth your posture change has taken its toll on your joints and ligaments. As a result, you’ll likely endure a bit of back pain. You could try to strengthen and engage your core by doing stretches (perhaps through yoga or pilates).

Also, you could adjust the chairs, computers, etc throughout your home/office. Make sure that everything is ergonomically correct and your body will thank you. You might also try adjusting the handles on your baby’s stroller. Move it to a height so that you’re not having to bend down and strain your neck.

One area that took a real ‘beating’ during childbirth is your pelvic floor. It’s also no secret that your pelvic floor literally takes a beating throughout your pregnancy. And as a result, it will lose nearly all its strength postpartum.

To make sure that this is corrected properly when it’s safe to do so, you can work out your pelvic muscles. Don’t worry, you already know how… By doing vaginal exercises known as Kegels. They’ll help strengthen your pelvic floor, return it to its glory, and ultimately prevent any long-term issues. 


One of The BEST Ways To Help New Moms Get Healthy and Fit… Stay Hydrated!

Although this should already be a part of your daily routine, it’s even more important than ever that you remain hydrated throughout the entire day and night.

New moms are already at risk of becoming dehydrated due to breastfeeding demands and sleep deprivation. So make sure that you keep a water bottle within easy reach at all times!

Unfortunately, it’s not enough to keep a tumbler within reach and refill it whenever you think about it. Studies in recent years have uncovered the exact best amount of water for every single person’s individual body. And you figure out the best 


Take Time For Yourself With a Little Self-Care

Whoever said that motherhood is all about “putting your dreams and needs aside” because the person you just gave birth to is now the most important thing in the world… Well, they were nuts! Yes, there are some trade-offs.

I seldom see my single, bar-hopping girlfriends and my bedtime is 9:30 pm so I can rest up for the next day or midnight feeding.

But I still practice yoga a few times per week, still read the Sunday New York Times (perhaps one week later), and still enjoy nights out with my husband. Keep doing activities or hobbies that define you, even if it’s your daily dose of reality TV or weekly manicures. Value and protect your personal time because it refreshes you, not to mention you totally deserve it!



Jessica Rose Adams

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