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How To Run a Green Business From Top To Bottom

More and more business owners want to run a green business. For most, this decision comes down to saving our planet but still achieve their goals as a business. One value that a lot of business owners hold dear is that of protecting the environment and minimizing the impact your business has on it. Here are a few tips to do just that at every level of the business.


How to Run a Green Business From Top to Bottom




The Supply Chain

Pretty girl working on her computer in cafe

When it comes to working with companies who carry your product, you want to make sure your supply chain moves as efficiently as possible.

This will help with the reduction of waste from any/all unused resources, which can help you save lots of money. One important way to save money on your supply chain is by using fleet management systems.

These systems monitor everything from the routes the drivers take and even take note of the driving habits of each driver. The same systems can help you make note of any driving habits that can cause wear and tear to vehicle parts, preventing their loss and replacement. 


The Industrial Sites

Whether it’s a manufacturing plant, a construction site, or a vehicle lot, where there is a lot of machinery and fossil fuels, there’s also a lot of room to conserve. For instance, you can use oil-water separators to make sure that any water used and contaminated can be recycled, meaning that no water goes to waste.

Circular manufacturing follows this principle but with all resources, recovering and repurposing what you can. Predictive maintenance on the vehicles and equipment you use can also make sure that you’re using them for as long as possible and that you don’t have to replace them, leaving them to the landfill.


The Packaging

Another thing you should also consider is whether or not you can reduce waste through your packaging. So many products rely on recyclable packaging nowadays. If you can’t use packaging that can be recycled, you could still use materials that come from recycled products.

Packaging such as using PET plastic for all manners of liquids. This will ensure the safety of your product which should be the number one factor when choosing your packaging. There’s usually always a sustainable option even with that caveat!


The Workplace

The office really offers the best opportunity to make sure you’re running a “tight green ship”. This is because you have lots of control over the resources that you use and you can set up specific recycling centers wherever you like around the office.

To go green at the office, consider starting by going paperless, reducing the costs and space you use on paper, printing, and ink. You can also make recycling stations a lot more accessible in the workplace so that people are more likely to dispose of things in the appropriate way. Then you can look at fitting LED bulbs and water-saving taps.


There are many benefits to running a green business beyond making a good cause for the environment. You also have the opportunity to position your brand in a way that your customers will truly appreciate. When more people choose to run green businesses, the more likely businesses in the future will be green as well! 


Jessica Rose Adams

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