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5 Clever Ways to Get More Followers on Twitter

Social media marketing platform, Twitter, may have launched over a decade ago but there’s still debate among its users, on what the best ways to get more followers on Twitter actually is? Since there are currently 445 million daily active Twitter users sending 500 million tweets each day, it seems plenty of people have mastered or at least, figured out a thing or two about how to succeed on this platform. 

Success on any social media platform begins with how many followers your account has. Why is this? Well, from a strictly ‘marketing perspective’, social platforms help you connect with your customers, increase awareness about your brand, and boost your leads and sales. And Twitter is one of the most effective social platforms out there.

Twitter can help you build a network of business contacts and potential clients. It’s a fantastic tool to generate new business opportunities and keep up to date with what is going in your industry and with current affairs. That said, I think it’s safe to say that finding ways to get more followers on Twitter should be a huge priority for your social media marketing plan.

Following best practices and consistently tweeting to get more followers on Twitter, is just the bare minimum. If you’re looking for a new approach and some clever ways how to get Twitter followers, then you’ve come to the right place.


5 Clever Ways to Get More Followers on Twitter




Tweet Frequently

Unlike other social media sites, Twitter is more suitable for an aggressive content strategy. Posting between three and seven times per day is shown to maximize engagement. The lifespan of a tweet is only 18 minutes, so if in doubt, err on the side of posting too often, rather than not enough.

Don’t be too promotional in your content, or this will turn people off. Share relevant industry news, personal updates, lighthearted content, or retweet posts from your followers. Make an effort to be engaging, interesting, and helpful.


Get Your Timing Right

There are good times and bad times to post, so make sure you know which is which. If you send out all your best content while your target audience is sleeping, you won’t see much in the way of results. There is a wealth of research on the best times to post on social media, but the consensus seems to be that weekday afternoons are the best time. This will vary according to different demographics and time zones, so be sure to look at your engagement metrics to see if there is any pattern.



It’s not enough to just send out tweets. Twitter is a conversation, so treat it as such. You want to be engaging with people in your network. Whether this is industry thought-leaders, potential customers, or business connections, you should be promoting engagement across your Twitter activity. Tagging, retweeting, liking, or replying with other Twitter users is a brilliant way to show some personality behind your profile and get more eyes on your brand.


Optimize Your Profile

Twitter is full of spambots, and if you have no information on your profile, people might assume you are one. Ensure you have a high-quality picture of yourself or your brand, and fill your bio with relevant information that lets people know who they are and how you can help them.


Seek Them Out (Followers)

You can’t just sit back and expect people to find you. Go hunting across Twitter for people you want to connect with and follow them. You could even send them a message inviting them to follow you. Add social media follow buttons to your website and email to draw in followers from outside Twitter.


Gaining a large follower-base takes time and effort, but by sticking with it and posting fantastic content, you will begin to see the results you want.             


Jessica Rose Adams

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