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How To Look And Feel Your Best Without Breaking The Bank

I’ve always equated looking and feeling my absolute best with spending lots of money. Is there a way to look and feel your best without breaking the bank? If there was a way, I certainly hadn’t found it yet! So I decided to figure out how to do just that. But first I must ask, do you have any tips on how to look and feel your best without breaking the bank? You may think it’s easier to look and feel your best when you’ve got money to spare.

But I’ve discovered that it’s not as sustainable as one may think, especially in these unprecedented times of COVID-19. You may think that without access to your gym, your salon for expensive beauty treatments and every department store, you’ll just wither away. Don’t worry, that couldn’t be further from the truth! Here, we’re going to take a look at some of the most effective ways to look and feel your best without breaking the bank.


How To Look

And Feel Your Best

Without Breaking The Bank




Find Affordable & Healthy Recipes

You are what you eat. Literally! We all know it, but that doesn’t always mean that we eat well. After all, it can be expensive to eat healthy food all the time: it’s much more affordable to just make those quick and unhealthy meals, right? Not so.

Of all the misconceptions about eating, the idea that eating well has to cost the earth is the most damaging. There are many healthy ingredients you can buy that not only aren’t expensive but in many cases are cheaper than the more unhealthy foods that you could buy. Take a look at some recipes, pick out a few that sound appealing, and make them part of your routine. 


Forget the Gym! Exercise at Home & Outside

Sure, you can sign up for a gym membership. But remember, you’re trying to look your best without breaking the bank. So why run in place, indoors at the gym, when you can save money and get fresh air, running outside? 

One of the simplest ways to feel instantly better is to go for a long run outside. Your body will begin releasing endorphins, which will provide that famous ‘after-glow’. You’ll be set up for the rest of the day. Try to make it a daily habit and you’ll be able to check off “being outdoors” as well. 

While what you do will depend on what you’re trying to achieve, common exercises include push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, and squats — none of which require any money. As people who are exercising during the coronavirus lockdown are finding out, most people don’t require the specialist equipment at the gym in order to look and feel their best.


Find Fitness & Meditation Classes on YouTube

You usually have to pay for pilates, yoga, personal trainers, and so on. But there’s actually a pretty fantastic free resource that can give you more or less the same experience: YouTube. If you’re trying to give your body or mind a nudge in the right direction, then head to the video-sharing site and see what’s available.

There are classes for all levels. The other good thing about YouTube fitness and meditation classes is that you can try as many as you like without commitment. If you have a vague interest in trying a new activity, then just give it a go. It’s not like you’ll have spent any money or traveled a long distance to participate. You’ll have that glowing buzz after you’ve finished the class, and you won’t even have left your home. 


Why Replace When You Can Repair?

We live in a culture that encourages us to continually buy new products. But in many cases, this just isn’t necessary. Even with your clothes, in many cases it makes more sense to repair the items that you own rather than buy new clothes; if you don’t know how to fix clothes, then you can take it to a seamstress for repair.

It’ll feel as if you’re getting a brand new item, but really it’s just an old favorite! You can avoid buying other items too, such as new glasses. People tend to buy a new pair when the lens breaks, but there are replacement lenses for glasses available that’ll allow you to bring your existing pair back to life. It’s a much cheaper option than buying new glasses all the time! With these hacks, you’ll look great and will be able to experience life in full HD, and you won’t have even felt the financial impact.


Don’t Ignore Your Inner Feelings

Cold showers don’t always sound appealing, but they can have a big impact on how well you feel and look. They’ve been shown to decrease the risk and severity of depression and can make your skin and hair look better too. Challenge yourself to take one every day for thirty days, and you’ll see an impact. 

There are some things we can do that will give us a serious confidence and happiness boost, which don’t cost a penny at all. One such example is to volunteer with a local organization. Volunteering is something that not many people think to do, but it’s something that we should all think about. We don’t really know why it’s the case, but studies have shown that doing things for the benefit of others really does make us feel better. Take a look at which organizations need help, and get in touch.


DIY Your Hair & Makeup

We very often spend money because we need the experience and expertise of someone else. Take our hair and makeup, for example. We can part with huge sums of cash just because we need a professional to do things for us.

However, it’s important to be aware that it’s not as if they have a special talent that no-one else possesses. It’s just that they took the time to learn. While you’ll find it difficult to replicate the true salon experience by yourself in your house, by learning a few salon tips and tricks, you can still look and feel your best without breaking the bank!


Finally, it’s worth remembering that money cannot buy happiness. It’s true, there are a lot of unhappy millionaires out there! And the ones who are happy were probably pretty happy with their lives before they became rich. So you don’t throw money at areas of your life that you wished were better.

Instead, try focusing on doing things that have been shown to help you reach a deeper level of happiness in the past. That way you’re more likely to achieve success and, of course, look and feel your best without breaking the bank!


Jessica Rose Adams

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