0 In Mind/Body Wellness/ Self Care For the Entrepreneurial Woman

Tackle Your Stress The Right Way, Right Now

Have you been trying to figure out how to tackle your stress the right way for about as long as you can remember? Is it possible that stress could be the bane of your very existence? After all, stress can keep you from reaching your maximum levels of productivity, negatively impact your physical and mental health, all while quite literally ‘walking’ you towards your very own demise.

This is why it’s so incredibly important to make sure that you are monitoring your stress levels every day. Also, that you’re making every effort to minimize the stress in your life, every way that you can. This is why we came up with a “game plan”, to help you figure out how to tackle your stress the right way, right now! There are a few ways to do this and ensure that you are approaching the issue correctly. 


Tackle Your Stress The

Right Way, Right Now



Spring Cleaning Anyone?

Some people find that their stress increases due to having an unorganized work environment. Others thrive when surrounded by a good ‘ole fashioned pile of papers greet them as they arrive to work! Which one of these ‘people’ are you most like? I find that most people tend to feel stress at the site of a messy kitchen, complete with no counter space and loads of dishes! Also, a messy bathroom, bedroom or wherever they relax with their family.

Perhaps, when you stare at the absurd level of mess around your home, you too can feel the stress bubbling underneath the surface? If so, try doing those dishes! While you’re at it, you could do some decluttering around the house or at the office.

You could also attempt to re-organize all of your personal and/or professional “life categories”. But don’t be afraid to try a new system or set of tips if they’ve been recommended. Like these, where you can take back 30 minutes a day with 4 closet organization tips! Just make sure to use a system that has previously proven effective for you, otherwise, you risk stressing yourself out even more!


Practice Calming Techniques

You might be wondering whether there are ways that you can keep calm and stop stress reaching the surface. Well, we have good news on that front, there are and you should. For instance, you might want to consider meditation.

Various research has shown that the right level of meditation can help your brain rewire which is fantastic news. Indeed, a study on Buddhist monks – who spend most of their time meditating – found their brains were completely different to the typical individual.

We’re not sure quite what this means but they do seem incredibly calm. It’s easy to fit meditating into your daily schedule as well. You just need half an hour whenever your schedule allows and you could see great benefits. 


Get Your Workout On!

While getting yourself into a calm headspace quite literally looks like the definition of alleviating stress, sometimes the best way to tackle your stress is by ramping things up!

Another great way to deal with stress is to either start working out or if you usually hit the gym or a jogging trail during the week already, it may be time to step things up a notch or two.

Last month we posted an article about three different exercises, each with unique benefits for killing stress. Needless to say, if there are (at least!) three workouts you can do to get rid of stress, then working out in general Running is a brilliant option here because hopefully, you’ll be able to leave all your stress on the road behind. However, this is another case where it’s going to be different for everyone. Find the workout routine that works for you. 

Find Your Triggers

While cleaning, meditating, and upgrading your workout is easy enough to do, taking a pause to look inward in an effort to discover the very things that set you off about one thing and not another, that takes courage!

Figuring out what your triggers are, then taking action to try and overcome whatever causes your triggers or at least, is a truly noble effort towards your mind & body’s best interest. Allow me to give you an example.

Remember in the Spring Cleaning section where we discussed how some people thrive amidst a messy office or home, while others…not so much! In fact, one very common reason that lots of people literally can’t function surrounded by a mess might be because they suffer from an anxiety disorder called OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).

Of course, plenty of people have trouble starting a project until their workspace is completely clean, yet they do not suffer from OCD. There are lots of reasons for people to develop triggers that cause them to feel stressed out as soon as the trigger “activates”. Also, a trigger will never be the same for another person, they’re as individual as a person’s fingerprints! You must uncover what negatively impacts you and, most importantly, deal with it head-on before it gets a chance to manifest itself into one of your more unpleasant triggers. 


We hope this helps you understand how to effectively combat stress. At first glance, it can seem like the levels of stress in your life are an insurmountable obstacle. A mountain that you can’t possibly climb. But with the right approach, you can be sure to tackle your stress the right way, right now!


Jessica Rose Adams


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