0 In Mind/Body Wellness

4 Ways To Improve Your Workouts

Finding effective ways to improve your workouts is likely a high priority for anyone looking to maximize the amazing benefits that working out does for one’s health and well-being. During this search for new ways to improve your workouts, you’ll probably spend a good amount of extra time, money, even energy.

But, first thing’s first, you really ought to make sure that these workouts you’re trying to improve upon, are already efficient forms of fitness and work for you specifically. Because sadly, this is not always the case. Many people subscribe to certain fitness routines, classes or even types of workouts that they adopted from a “fitness guru” whose book they read. Other times people will start doing whatever workouts are recommended to go along with the latest diet they’re trying.

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that an individual’s dietary and fitness needs are at best, somewhat different than the person behind them in line, buying their copy of this latest “health craze”. Which is why we’re going to clear up a few misconceptions for you today. We’re going to take a look at four pretty generic ways that anyone can use to improve their workouts.


4 Ways To Improve Your Workouts




Find YOUR Best Time of Day For a Workout

It’s not enough just to walk through the gym doors. If you’re going to make progress, then you need to work hard while you’re there. It’s like anything else in life: you can’t expect to get rewards if you’re not putting the effort in.

One way to get the most from your workouts is to find your optimal workout time. This will be the time during the day when you feel the readiest and pumped to work up a sweat. It could be that you work out the best first thing in the morning, or as soon as you’ve finished work. Convenience should play a role when it comes to choosing your workout time, but the most important factor will be figuring out when you’ll push yourself to the max. 


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Don’t Kill Yourself To Improve Your Health

‘Killing yourself’ to improve your health, sounds like a bit of an oxymoron, don’t you think? Sadly, it’s a very common and incredibly sad statistic. Sure, working out for 45-60 minutes, 3-4 days a week at the gym, may not seem like anything crazy.

But it’s not always about the amount of time or how many days a week. If you’re pushing yourself to the point that your heart rate is at a dangerous number, you’re literally putting yourself in danger when you’re trying to ‘improve your health’.

Then on the other hand, once you’ve killed yourself at the gym too many times, you’ll find it more and more difficult to ever return, effecting a potentially healthy and long-term part of your lifestyle.

This is where consistency is key. Create a small to medium goal, one that starts small and gradually builds to a medium level. Like, go to the gym for a year, rather than just going for a month or two and then giving up because your body is too tired.

Start at 30 minutes, 3 days a week. And definitely take advantage of the free session with a trainer, most gyms offer! They’re professionals and can help you select machines and various types of workouts for the fitness level you’re at NOW! Towards the end of your ‘fitness goal’ year, meet with this same trainer again to assess how far you’ve come.


Step Things Up, Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

You should applaud yourself for visiting a gym, but it’s important not to congratulate you too much. Some people go to the gym but take it too easy while they’re there, so they never really notice the benefits. If you’re looking to improve your workout, look at stepping things up so that you’re working out more efficiently.

One way to do this is to use free weight systems, which can help you to build strength more quickly than weight machines. If you think you’ve plateaued, you could also consider working with a personal fitness instructor; they’ll be able to guide you in the right direction. 


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Find Your Weak Spot, Exploit It & Change!

Finally, take a close look at the weak point in your workout routine, anything that might be holding you back. Are you visiting the gym infrequently, not keeping up with your year-long plan?

Do you binge-eat unhealthy foods when you’re bored or sad? Both these things and many more will make it that much more difficult to reach your peak fitness goals. But once you’ve discovered what your particular weal spots are, that’s merely half the battle.

Actually, it’s more like one third since finding your weakness is the first step, then exploiting it is the second. How do you do this? Tell your family and friends what your weak spots are so that they can help by holding you accountable.

Being held accountable for your actions, in this case, showing or reminding you of your weak spot, is the very thing that will encourage real change! Once you know your weak spots and you’ve been held accountable, it’s time for the third step. This is when you begin to see a change within yourself and in your life.


Keep trying new things and look for new ways to improve your workouts. Always remember that they are for you and you alone. What works for someone else won’t always work for you and visa versa. Keep track of your improvements because you never know, one day you may help someone else improve upon their workout!


Jessica Rose Adams

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