0 In Our "Mini-Post Series" by Guest Writers

How To Turn Your Business Into Something Truly Special

If you’re wondering how you can turn your business into something truly special, consider the following statistic; of the 582 million entrepreneurs in the world (as of Q3 in 2019) who have started their own business, 77.5% of those businesses will actually make it beyond the first year! This news is absolutely something truly special! Especially when compared to how many new businesses used to fail within the first year…

But we think there are some defining traits of the businesses that are going to rise to the top and become something truly special. It takes a special type of person, and a special type of business idea to make it to the top. The top might not even be the top of the top.

We know that not every business is going to become the next Amazon, Apple, or Netflix. But we do know that most people who have decided to start their own businesses possess a distinct characteristic and drive, to make something truly special of themselves. Read on as we offer you some key points of insight into how the best of the best turned their businesses into something truly special.


How To Turn Your Business Into Something Truly Special




Sheer Determination & Perseverance

We’re going to start off with a trait that we think people have when running a successful business, and that’s sheer determination and perseverance. There will be so many times when you think you should throw in the towel and pack it all in. But let us tell you that if you have faith in your idea, and you stop at nothing to keep it growing, then you will be successful in some way.

Even if it’s a minor bit of success that gives you a nice salary, that’s so much better than some people have. If you want something bad in life, you have to keep it at the front of your mind, and always remain hyperfocused on it. Perseverance is essential because there will be so many times when you have to get knocked back because something doesn’t go as planned, but sticking with it will get you through!


Business Development Strategies

You should always be looking for ways that you can develop your business, even the most niche businesses need to have a business development plan. The main reason is to beat the competition. You always need a way to climb above others, especially in areas where competition is high.

Take lawyers and solicitors, for example. Many of them go solo, requiring a robust legal business development so that they’re the ones who people are choosing to represent them. The same goes for any other niche that you might be operating in. Working with companies to formulate a plan is always going to point you towards success.


Marketing That Swarms The Market

You need to swarm the market so that people know who you are, and there are plenty of ways that you can do so. Marketing such as TV, radio, and billboard advertising are three of the most “in your face” marketing campaigns that you can run, and they’re so effective.


Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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