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3 Damn Good Tactics For Creating The Best Blog

It doesn’t matter what your blog’s overall topic or ‘niche’ is. At the end of the day, any sized business with a blog; the local grocery store, a preschool, even a county hospital. All of these businesses need the same thing. Each of them needs to find three damn good tactics for creating the best blog!


I recently read that in March 2019, over 4.4 million blog posts were published every day. And that over 409 million people read more than 20 billion pages on WordPress alone, each month in 2020! So, how does one go about creating the best blog these days? How can you stand out of the noisy crowd of bloggers, all vying for the same #1 position on the front page of Google?

With millions of blogs out there, becoming the best and creating the best blog becomes the driving force in your business. You didn’t think that was all I had to say about the subject?! Honestly, you’re right in rhythm today because I’m about to break down, in detailed information (take notes!), three damn good tactics for creating the best blog you can possibly create!


3 Damn Good Tactics For Creating the Best Blog




Make Sure That Your Content Is King!

The phrase “content is king” is used rather often throughout the online, SEO, and content marketing ‘worlds’. But do you actually know what the heck it means? “Content is king” is a popularized quote, often used in the online marketing space.

Furthermore, it is believed that written content or “web copy” in particular, is paramount to the success of a website. What this means is that the content you produce on your blog will have a tremendous effect on how successful it will be. Of course, most of us in the blogging community knows that to be most definitely true.

Why is content so important to your marketing strategy?:

  • It educates your audience to make smarter purchasing decisions.
  • You can optimize your content specifically with SEO.
  • It can help you attract more leads in search engine results.
  • Content can be shared with the goal of enhancing your social media strategy.



With this in mind, the first thing you need to improve is the quality of the content you create. This means not only checking for spelling and grammar errors but also making sure that what you produce is well researched and well written. 

Also, the content you create should fall in line with one of these two things. The first is that it matches the people you want to appeal to. Your demographic, so to speak. While the second is that it helps, educates, and entertains them. After all, you need to give them a reason to find you, follow you, and engage with your content, if your blog is to be successful. 



Finally, when it comes to content, variety is also essential. In fact, varying types of posts from written, to video, to podcasts help keep your audience engaged and will also aid your blog SEO too. Something that can help draw more traffic to your site and that is explained in more detail in the next section. 


Search Engine Optimization

SEO or search engine optimization is another essential area of improvement you need to pay attention to. This is because if your blog is not optimized, the right people will not be able to find it. Something that means you won’t get enough traffic to convert into followers. 

Happily, there are some pretty easy tweaks you can use to better your blog’s SEO. The first is to opt for more long-tail keywords in your content. The benefit of this is that it can help make the search parameters your blog work on more natural. Something that is becoming increasingly important as people begin to use voice search. 



Also, do not forget that optimizing your blog for local searches can help it to be found much easier as well. In fact, by geotagging your photos and videos, using local keywords, and checking in at local businesses, you help to push your blog to the top of the SERPs. 



Then there is the question of money. After all, for your blog to be a genuinely successful business, it needs to be able to generate a significant income. The good news is that there are many ways you can improve your blog to ensure this happens.

The first thing you want to do is begin accepting sponsored posts. Pieces that you will be paid to host and that will fit in with the style of your blog well. Secondly, you may wish to create a review category on your blog. Something that will allow you to compare different products and so puts you in the perfect position to use affiliate marketing to generate an income.

The reason being that within these reviews, you can link to a retailer’s site and so create an agreement with them to receive a part of the profit when they make a sale from that connection. Of course, if you are going to succeed in this, it is best to learn affiliate marketing techniques from others that have great success in this area.



Happily, you will find that there are many experts online willing to share their passion and knowledge. Something that means you can grasp the subtleties of affiliate marketing better. Finally, why not consider selling space on your blog for advertising? In fact, you can make a significant amount this way, and even combine it with the other techniques mentioned above. 


There is a whole range of things you can do to create the best blog. Of course, you don’t have to do them all at once. In fact, you may choose one or two to work on first, slowly expanding your repertoire and your blog’s success over a more extended period. 


Jessica Rose Adams

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