0 In Our "Mini-Post Series" by Guest Writers/ Small Biz & Startup Tips

Solopreneurs Can’t Really Do It All Alone

Solo entrepreneurs – or solopreneurs – are business owners running their entire operation, all by themselves. Solopreneurs can’t really do it all alone, can they? They deal with everything from clients to marketing, finances, and the upkeep of the business. But, as amazing as these ‘lone wolves’ may appear to be, it’s not always a viable option. 

The independent attitude can only take you so far. All it takes is one mistake, a single overwhelming request, some little thing to make the whole enterprise fall. If you’re running a business exclusively by yourself, you will sometimes need to take a step back and let someone else get involved. This isn’t a sign of weakness, rather, a sign of knowing one’s limits. Read on to learn about areas that will need extra attention as a solopreneur.


Solopreneurs Can’t Really

Do It All Alone




One marketing strategy will not work forever but it’s challenging for solopreneurs to stay up to date with, and anticipate, new trends. If you’re struggling with a new marketing campaign or find that your reach has stretched as far as possible, you might want to look into outsourcing your marketing efforts. 

Marketing is hands-down the most important thing that a solopreneur will do in his/her busy day. Everything from visual design, user experience, search engine optimization and of course, advertising, all have their roots in the marketing section of any business.

Marketing is how your brand gains exposure. So if you’re doing everything in your business, plus you’re required to be a marketing genius…you’re either going to burn yourself out quickly or your business will surely suffer.



Juggling both the business and the money side of things is a risky business. Sure, it was simple enough when you first started with a client or two, but when success comes rolling in and you’re up to your eyeballs in invoices, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. 

Being in this position can lead to mistakes such as missed invoices and incorrect tax reports, which you want to avoid. Employing an accountant, even if it’s just once a year, can smooth everything over and give you one less thing to worry about. 



You’re always looking for more growth, but you’ll eventually reach a point where you’re not sure which is the best step to take. In these situations, you’re faced with a choice: play it safe or take the risk. 

You don’t want to play it safe, as that might only move you laterally instead of forward. However, taking a risk could prove disastrous if not approached correctly.

To tackle this, seeking advice from experts in your industry with years more experience than you, is vital. It will give you an alternative perspective that you can use to weigh up your options. 



As important as your business is, it should never take priority over your health. If you ever feel down or off your game, you might be suffering from burnout or something even more severe. This can impact productivity, passion, and people skills and leave you struggling to get yourself back on track. 

Should this happen to you, don’t be afraid to consult trusted friends or even seek professional advice available from services like Medtronic.com, which can help get to the root of your problem and help you get back to your best. 


… With a Little Help From My Friends

For ambitious solopreneurs, just getting by isn’t enough. You’re always looking to push on, to improve, and to take the next significant step towards success.

Sometimes, though, you can’t do it all on your own. In times like these, it’s okay to look for help elsewhere to stop you from getting overwhelmed with all the demands that come with being a business owner. 


Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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