0 In Search Engine Optimization/ Small Biz & Startup Tips

How To Outrival Your Business’ Greatest Competition

In a perfect world, there would be more than enough customers for everyone and the question of ‘how to outrival your business’ greatest competition’ would never be asked. Each industry, made up of every business imaginable, would be able to focus solely on producing their best product or service.

Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world. Businesses are forced to compete on a daily basis, in a bid to secure their position in the marketplace. The moment they let their guard down is the moment their greatest competition will swoop in to steal their customers! And so it is with your business.

Unless you are offering something totally unique, like never-been-seen, to the customer, you will always have competition in business. Now, if you want to stay in business for the long haul, you’ll need to come up with a strategy. And it all starts with you asking yourself, “how will we outrival our business’ greatest competition? Here are a few ideas for you…


How To Outrival Your Business’

Greatest Competition



Outrank Your Rivals On Google

When a potential customer searches your product or service on Google, you want your stuff to pop up on a user’s website. First place, if possible, otherwise, focus on ranking higher than your greatest competition. If your rivals are ranking significantly higher than you, then in all likelihood, your business is probably being overlooked.

As a business owner then, one of the most important things you can focus on SEO (search engine optimization). Your business’ search engine visibility is something that you should be optimizing in your site’s content, on social media, even the very structure, and placement of certain elements of your website’s design.

SEO is a process that you should be spending some amount of time every day, to boost your position on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Pinterest too! There is plenty of advice online about how you can run your own DIY audits on your website for SEO.

The same goes for your content and social media, etc. But, until you get to a place where you’re super confident in your abilities to produce a solid ROI for your efforts, we actually recommend hiring an SEO professional. With the know-how to power your search engine position, opt for a company like the one I’ve highlighted here, to provide a top-notch technical SEO audit. This company allowed one client to take ⅓ of the market share in their industry, so definitely take a look at what they might be able to do for your business!


Be Better At What Your Business Does

This one is a no-brainer! If you want to beat the competition, then you have to be better than them. In practical terms, you should improve the quality of every part of your business. So, offer excellent customer service. Deliver a better product and/or service. Make sure your website’s display is of the utmost quality and give your customers something that the competition isn’t.

Another good way to get better is to find out what your rivals are doing. This is going to require patience on your part as you’ll be committing to research. Visit their websites or call them up under the pretense that you’re a customer. Then read what their customers are saying about them on business review sites. After gathering as much information as possible, you can start working on bettering your business in the best possible way!


Up Your Marketing Game

Of course, your business might be better than even the greatest competition already. However, the competition will still get a steal on your customers if they market their businesses better and more frequently than you do. Therefore, you need to put in some extra effort with your marketing. This way word will get out about the excellent services your business provides (and more frequently!).

First thing’s first, in order to start creating an effective marketing campaign, you’ll need to identify and target your potential customers. Then research the best ways to market to this particular demographic online. Finally, like your SEO, you might want to consider outsourcing some or all of this marketing campaign. By hiring a professional marketing company, you’ve ensured that your business will have the necessary resources to improve and help shape your future marketing strategies. 



Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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