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Key Points You Need To Know About Networking

Networking is one of the most effective ways to market your business. It is also one of the least expensive marketing methods you can use to build your business, especially if you do business in your local area. Despite its effectiveness, there are still lots of people who just don’t like networking! Some will say they ‘haven’t found it effective’ but are they really giving it a fair shot?

Networking can be intimidating and to some, it can be downright nerve-wracking. Plus there’s always someone at a networking event who seems to be a complete ‘natural’, you know, totally able to ‘work the room’. She gives off a perfectly down-to-earth vibe like everybody knows her and her, them.

Honestly, the whole thing can make you want to turn around and go home! The real problem seems to lie in the fact that many people don’t know how to properly network while others have unrealistic expectations about the timing of their results. Here we’re going to take a look at some key points you need to about networking, that aim to help you with those problems.

Key Points You Need To

Know About Networking


Networking Is An Investment In Your


Anyone can conduct effective networking both online and offline. Plus, if you’re someone who loves to talk, it can be really easy. However, if you’re a bit more on the shy side or just have reservations about the potential of networking, you can still gain value from it.

Think of it like this, to ensure your business is a success will require personal investment. But that investment isn’t only a financial one. You’ll need to invest your time and attention to promoting your business.

This includes creating and constantly building your professional support system (i.e., network). The best way to start building this critical support system for your business is through business networking.


In Business, Network Within Your Niche

Your reasons for networking will shift during the life of your company and your career as an entrepreneur. But as a small business owner, you might want to try networking with others in your niche, in order to publicize a new product or service.

By letting fellow business owners in your niche know about an upcoming launch, you’re instantly getting the word out in an arguably better way than social media.

Having a trusted friend in your niche, someone to tell about that launch almost guarantees your interest and by extension, your willingness to check the new product or service out.


Networking Is For More Than Just Promoting 

Some other important reasons for businesses to be networking are; to find a mentor in your field or establish yourself as an expert in your niche.

Perhaps you need to seek investors for financing, discover opportunities to invest in other businesses, or simply connect with other professionals in your industry. Always remember though, that networking is about being genuine and authentic. 

It’s about building trust in the relationships you develop and seeing how you can help others, not just yourself. Always remind yourself of your goals before attending a networking event so that you’re able to navigate the crowd and zero in on the groups that seem poised to support those goals. 


Not All Networking Events Are Solely Focused

On Business

Lots of networking events are based on learning the “how-to’s” of business; how to make contacts, how to volunteer in your business community, etc. They’re not all geared solely towards making business connections. Try signing up for such relevant events as ‘how to speak in public.’ 

Make sure that you ask questions and listen. You don’t have to talk a lot about what you do if you don’t feel comfortable socializing. Prepare some questions to ask the people you meet, such as, about their business, then listen carefully to their answers.

Also, try talking to someone who is too shy to even try branching out on their own. They’re likely feeling awkward and nervous, so it might help them feel at ease if you went over to say hello.

Sure, you’ll probably feel the pull towards seeking out familiar faces but that’s isn’t the point of the event. Everyone who’s able should be trying to put themselves out there and start networking with some new faces!



Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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