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The Best Ways To Communicate In Business

Excellent communication is important in any relationship. But when it comes to how you communicate in business, it becomes even vital that you know how to read everything from a person to an entire room. Of course, there are different ways that you will communicate with your friends, family, and co-workers. 

Well, the same can be said for how you communicate in business. Being able to speak in a professional manner and tone is, first-and-foremost, critical. Then there’s business etiquette, those unspoken rules and ways of doing things in the business world that are absolutely instrumental in whether or not you’ll ever be a success.

If you’re struggling to get your message across to your colleagues or clients, then have a look at the following different ways of communicating and see if there is something you could be doing improve the way you communicate in business.


The Best Ways To

Communicate In Business




How to Communicate In Business – Listen Up!

It’s not about what you say, rather, the art of communicating is about listening to others. If you listen first, then you have a far better understanding of what is being said. How people think and feel in a given situation will give you a better idea of the people you are dealing with.

This information would naturally lend to discovering any potential conflicts within the context of a particular situation. Listening stops you from making assumptions or pointing to blame without accurate information.

You should practice active listening as this will make you a more well-reasoned communicator and business leader. It will also show your colleagues, employees, and clients that you have a vested interest in understanding what matters to them.


Choose The Right Form Of Communication

There are so many different ways to communicate now and so many different platforms to do it on. From emails, instant messenger, social media to Internet Telephony; the choices are endless!

Any time that the written word is typed out during an attempt to communicate, it’s far too easy for texts and emails to be misinterpreted. You should be able to tailor your message effectively to whoever your message is meant for.

The written word is meant to convey a person’s tone or mood as they’re “speaking” to you. This is especially true if this person is attempting to convey a particular feeling or emotion. The written words used to describe emotions are just as complex as emotions themselves.

So you must be careful to choose the right method of communication for the right message. Also, get to know when a face to face conversation is necessary or when an email will suffice.


Use “The 7 C’s of Effective Communication”

Have you heard of the 7 C’s of communication? If not, then you have now! Hopefully, you’ll think about it next time you’re in a meeting or presentation at work. The 7 C’s stand for:

  • Clear: Say what you mean without leaving any room for misinterpretation.
  • Concise: Get to the point.
  • Complete: Provide all the facts.
  • Concrete: Be specific and back up your claims with data.
  • Correct: Use precise grammar and make valid claims.
  • Considerate: Consider all viewpoints and communicate with respect and empathy.
  • Confident: Have conviction in your words and in your ability to execute them.


If you make an effort to work on each of these points, you will notice your communication skills improve dramatically.


Jessica Rose Adams

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