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4 Ways to Cure the Headache That Is Being a Solopreneur

Being a solopreneur is so hectic at times, you can really give yourself a headache if you’re not careful! Not only do you need to face challenges ‘solo’, but they tend to pop up more frequently. This is because you’re likely to make more mistakes without consultants and other team members backing you up.

Being a solopreneur can cause quite the headache at times but it’s not the most difficult thing in the world. As long as you’re prepared and have ways to cope with the pressure to be successful, you’ll do just fine. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of handy and practical tips that can help you slowly beat the stress of being a solopreneur.


4 Ways to Cure the Headache

That Is Being a Solopreneur


Ignore (most of) Everything You Read On S.M.

Social media is a brilliant, free option to market your business to the masses. It can also be a fantastic way to grow your business. You must keep in mind though, that you don’t need to respond to every single DM or comment because it can take a lot of your important time. 

Only respond to things that deserve a response and try to ignore any purposely negative comments from people on the Internet who are just trying to get a rise out of you.

Of course, if someone leaves a valid complaint about you for a legitimate reason, you should absolutely respond to them immediately.

When you can afford it, you should definitely hire a social media marketing manager to help develop your brand online.

They’ll typically usually have an assistant that would be in charge of dealing directly with the “challenging” people who leave you nasty comments, assuming those comments continue, due to the nature of your business.


Hire an Accountant

Dealing with your finances and your taxes can be incredibly stressful and it’s vital that you hire an accountant as early as you can afford to.

Managing your finances is definitely easier with the help of cloud accounting but it’s still a good idea to consider hiring an actual accountant.

This way, he/she can also act as a consultant in other accountancy-related areas, to help you improve your business.

Keep in mind that you don’t need to hire an accountant in a full-time position. They can usually get away with working about 10-15 hours a week. They do payroll, accounts payable & receivable, and appropriately file away all business-related receipts for tax purposes.


You Must Get Enough Sleep Every Night!!

Many entrepreneurs sacrifice their own sleep in order to work harder on their business. Yeah, sorry but it just doesn’t work that way. First of all, it’s really unhealthy to sacrifice even some of your health for any reason. And yes, if you consistently don’t get enough sleep you will ultimately affect the outcome of your business.

I’m sure you’ve heard by now that some of the world’s top scientists have studied the sleep clinic results, watched the chronic disease rates climb to scary percentages in those who don’t get enough sleep and are officially calling this “an epidemic.”

Scientists have linked adults that are consistently getting less than the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep per night, to be at higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, obesity and Alzheimer’s.

The list of issues our poor brains alone are being put through is absolutely horrifying to even think about! I don’t know about you but the thought of getting by on my usual 5 hours a night, just to be that much more prepared the following day at work, is no longer worth the headache (or Alzheimer’s!).

On the less chronic but still very problematic side, lack of sleep can cause you to make bad decisions and be prone to mistakes, among other things! You must get your full nights’ sleep in order to live a long, healthy life and run a successful business!


Avoid Stress as Much as You Can

It can be as simple as checking the traffic conditions before heading to work and being prepared for any road closures or accidents. Or as easy as learning tricks to avoid problematic customers! But those are just stressful situations, what about how to avoid stress itself?

Being a Solopreneur is all about finding a healthy balance between your business and the ‘rest of your life’. If that life includes, once again, a good night’s sleep, daily physical activity, a clean and nutritious diet and some type of meditation or deep breathing exercises, you’ll be good. 

Since there are far too many challenges to deal with, you could try ranking them in order of importance. This way small issues can be dealt with quickly so you’ll have more time and energy for the important stuff!



Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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