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The Best Questions To Ask Prospects During Their Interview

Interviews can be incredibly stressful for both the interviewer and interviewee. Once in awhile, you’ll get that one interviewer who you can tell, has been at this for some time. How do I know? Because they know the best questions to ask prospects during their interview and once upon a time, I was that Recruiter (and those ‘best’ questions were in fact, a real thing).

The right questions, the best questions, are the ones that are so seemingly generic and incredibly simple. A lot of it is the way that you ask those right questions, it opens the up interview and allows the hiring team a chance to see beyond the resume on their desk and the ‘facade’ that is usually masquerading the very real person sitting in front of you.

Interviewing #101

When it comes to interviewing a candidate for a position within your company there are many things to consider. This is why typically an in-house Recruiter will do all the hiring for a larger company. You’re likely a startup or small business, so the chances that you’ll be wearing the ‘hat’ of your own ‘Recruiter’ (at least for a while) is pretty good.

You will want to make sure the person has passed any software screening tests for Microsoft Office or Adobe. And you should always run a background check, which you can do at Checkr.com. Apart from all of those things, make also need to make sure that they are dressed for a job interview, and that they are professional and courteous in all respects.

But wait a minute! You still haven’t shared what exactly makes a question the best question? Simply put, the best question will be pointed, straightforward and put your candidate at ease. At the same time, it will be broad enough to give them room to open up more if the topic is particularly emotional for them (good or bad). You’ll see what I mean when you continue reading up on the best questions to ask prospects during their interview. 


The Best Questions

To Ask Prospects

During Their Interview



“Tell Me About Yourself” (the classic opener)

This is the most commonly asked question in an interview and it helps you to gain insight about who exactly is sitting across the from you at the table. This simple of a question can help you figure out what kind of person they are and whether or not they fit in with you and the rest of your team. 

When asked at just the right moment, “why should we hire you?” is the best question to throw-in at some point during ‘tell me about yourself’. The thing is, this is one of those questions that you really shouldn’t have to straight out ask. That’s why I think it fits here so well!

Some Recruiters think this question is typically the “grand finale” but if you prompt the person in the right way at the beginning of the interview, you can be assured to get a powerful response, coupled with the classic opener.

As a ‘finale’ question, it’s usually one that can help give someone a chance to sell themselves one last time. But in this case, it’s allowing the interviewee to sell herself upfront by answering your question.

This is doing the interviewee a great service because it’s always best to see someone’s ‘pitch’ right away but we’ve been conditioned as a society to refrain from pitching ourselves to You will have likely made your mind up by this time but if you are unsure, this will help you make that decision. 


What Are Your Strengths…and Weaknesses?

Another classic, this question(s) is one that people usually love to answer. They think it allows them to both ‘show off’ a bit, then show you their ‘humble’ side.

The reality is though, both sides of this coin are all about showing off. It is a good way to assess exactly what the person thinks they are great at and this can help you see where they might (or not) fit in with your team. 

I’ve always been a fan of the “weakness” question, personally. This question used to serve as a function in the interviewing process which was to assess whether the employee has some ‘fatal flaw’ which won’t work in their favor in the job. For example, if someone is applying for a sales job and admits they are shy, this is against the personality type you need and you may have to choose someone else who fits the bill. 

Here’s what the “weakness” answer has turned into over the years… honesty flew right out the window, and people started trying to manipulate this particular Q&A session. So, instead of people bravely admitting their shyness, they were more likely to “admit” their problem with knowing when to stop working and head home for the night! Right…


What Do You Like About Our Company? Why Do You Want This Job/To Work For Us? 

These questions are likely to give you the most insight into whether or not the person has come prepared for a job interview. Here you will see a difference between people who have read the job specs and researched the company and those who haven’t even bothered.

Ultimately, if a candidate cannot think of a single thing they like about your company… it’s doubtful that you’ll even remember their name tomorrow!

So then you throw a similar question at them but one that’s opinion-driven about your company… their opinion. Trust me, they’ll come prepared for this one!

“Why do you want this job/to work for us?” When this question comes up it’s important for you to look/listen closely as to whether or not they can easily talk about why they want to work for you and your company.

This is, as opposed to giving you a generic answer that has more to do with the industry your company is based in.

If they want the job, they will have looked it up, along with any details about what it’s like to have you as a boss and what the company culture is like. These answers are all ‘no brainers’ that should be incredibly easy to discuss with you!  


Jessica Rose Adams

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