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How To Quell Stressors When Launching a New Business

Launching a new business should be an incredibly exciting time in your life. Years of research, trial & error, and learning how to quell stressors in your environment, have all lead you to the here and now. You’re finally going to become your own boss and pursue your dreams! But as many self-made business people will tell you, life as an entrepreneur isn’t always smooth sailing. 

The success of your company is now resting on your shoulders. You’re responsible for your employees, your company finances and there are a whole host of other things that you may need to consider to keep your business afloat. It sounds a bit stressful, doesn’t it?

An increasing number of entrepreneurs are reporting to be feeling increasingly stressed and struggling to cope with the pressures and stressors of running a company.  But help is at hand and you don’t have to struggle alone- we’ve put together several ways for you to hit the ground running and be the best business owner you can be. 


How To Quell Stressors When

Launching a New Business



How To Tell If You’re Experiencing Stress 

Stress is a natural part of everyday life, that is a fact. But how you deal with the curve balls life throws at you can determine how well you are equipped to tackle them. Anxiety and worry can creep up on you suddenly and feel insurmountable. But you may not know exactly what it is you’re dealing with. Check to see if you or any of your colleagues are exhibiting these symptoms of anxiety or stress: 

  • Feeling unmotivated or listless. 
  • Feeling unable to unwind outside of working hours. 
  • Problems with concentration
  • Increased feelings of irritability, aggression or sadness.
  • Feeling unproductive or feeling the need to procrastinate. 
  • Exhaustion or lower than usual energy levels. 

These are just a small list of symptoms that can be a precursor to stress. For a more detailed list, you should consult your local health website or speak to your doctor. 


How To Reduce Stress at Work 

There are a variety of ways that you can reduce or mitigate feelings of stress or worry while at work. What works for you may not work for someone else and vice versa.

Consider ways that you can make small but noticeable changes to the way you work or how you work to make the most impact on your daily life. For example, eighteen hour days fly by when you’re throwing yourself into something you love.

But this grueling schedule can be detrimental to your long-term health. Learn to reassess your situation and put yourself on a self-imposed ‘time-out’. Get to know the triggers that signal that you’re close to burning out. 


Learn How To Outsource 

It’s totally normal, as an entrepreneur to be pumped and excited about your business and doing what you love. However, it is not necessarily the path to your long-term success. As your business continues to grow it’s not always possible for you to continue to take on everything by yourself. There’s simply not enough hours in the day and it is simply easier to outsource and delegate your workload. Consider hiring an IT Management company like fidelisnw.com or use freelancer websites such as Fiverr to help you find someone that can help you manage your workload. 


Get Up and Get Out 

As an entrepreneur, it can be easy to spend increasingly more and more time cooped up in an office or behind a computer screen.

Reports suggest that sitting for long periods of time can be detrimental for your mental and physical health. So take some time away from your phone and PC and get out of the office. Go for a jog, walk the office dog, or even just call a loved one on the phone.

Stepping away even for a few minutes can give you the space to consider new ideas and a change of scenery and fresh air is guaranteed to make you feel great.



Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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