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5 Easy Tasks All Small Businesses Should Absolutely Outsource

It doesn’t matter the size of the business; what matters is that the business owner and team are able to work effectively. Many small businesses believe that they are exempt from certain ‘luxuries’ that larger businesses may be more likely to take advantage of. The fact is, even small businesses should absolutely outsource at least some of their tasks!

But they’re still so small… why do they need extra help with their tasks? Outsourcing isn’t just about carrying some of the workloads that your business is unable to do. TIn fact, outsourcing can help small businesses to make even more money and grow faster, even if it does cost them some money at first.

A small business can save time and manpower when outsourcing, allowing the business owner and their team to focus on the things they’re really good at. Now let’s take a look at five easy tasks all small businesses should absolutely outsource. 


5 Easy Tasks

All Small Businesses

Should Absolutely Outsource



Administrative Tasks

A virtual assistant is quite literally the perfect person to handle your everyday, mundane admin tasks. You know which ones I’m talking about, right?

Everything from scheduling, answering phones and emails, and all of those seemingly insignificant tasks that actually eat up your time. Dozens of small tasks likely find their way onto your and your team’s to-do lists each day.

If you hire a virtual assistant to essentially ‘remove items from everyone’s to-do lists’, imagine how many projects your team could complete per department.

You’ll want to ask around the small business community for personal referrals when choosing a virtual assistant. It’s so important that you hire someone with integrity and who will work as hard as anyone on your team (including you!).

You need to know that your clients will be responded to promptly and messages will be taken if they have to speak to you, so you’re not going to miss out on a thing and your customers will know you care.


IT Services

If you don’t know what you’re doing in the IT department but you decide to try to handle it yourself anyway, you may regret doing this later on. If you experience an issue with your IT, you could experience downtime.

This can cost thousands upon thousands of dollars if you’re not prepared for it. Ribbit Business Solutions provides managed IT services so that you don’t have to think about any of that, and you can keep downtime to a minimum.


Social Media Automation & Analytics (reports)

You’re probably thinking about how easy it is to schedule a bunch of automated post for one of your social sites. take a moment to think about everything this particular task entails. Sure, the automation part is pretty straightforward and doesn’t take up a huge amount of time. BUT, any amount of time is still money.

Think about all of the different social media automated scheduling applications like Buffer, Hootsuite, Meet Edgar or Co-schedule, to name a few. You’ve probably heard of each one of these and may even use one now for automating posts to all your social accounts! Something as simple as

Another one in that ‘group’, really more of a ‘cousin’ to the social media automation apps, is Tailwind. You’ve probably heard of Tailwind (if not, you should!) provides scheduling, automation, and loads of data analytics, all about it’s one and only technically  beast of data analytics with so many detailed reports at your fingertips


Content Marketing

Fresh content is an essential component of any successful website. Whether you have an online business or your business has a website representing it online, you still need web traffic to go to your website.

It helps you to establish your position in your industry by providing help to your audience. Some great ways to reach your audience with content marketing are with blogging, email newsletters, and social media channels.

You might be thinking, 3 different avenues to market my content… Doesn’t that mean I need to know each of their ‘best practices’? It’s true, staying up to date with everything can be tough, which is why you should absolutely outsource your content marketing.

When you’re focused on doing only the parts of your business that you truly love, you’ll be happier and more productive. Someone out there is really great at content marketing and would love the chance to get paid to do yours!



Do you really think it’s a good idea that you run your small business and keep track of your income/expenses, etc. at the same time? Your business accounts must be accurate. Otherwise, you could end up in trouble with the IRS!

If you don’t handle the books perfectly, you could end up paying your team late. Considering everything they’ve done for you and, simply put, it’s in your money and credit’s best interest!  If you outsource to an accountant or bookkeeper will have only the numbers/money to focus on.

Also, you might be good at balancing the checkbook for your family at home but there’s a reason that people pursue accounting as a college degree. They’re likely, naturally good with numbers, like to keep track of your money and give you some financial advice when you need it most.



Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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