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Useful, Supportive Wisdom For Before Your Launch, That You Need to Read

As Entrepreneurs, we’ve all dreamt of the day when we finally launch our online business or, we open the doors to our brick & mortar stores! I’m sure you remember what happened the day you announced your ‘big idea’, how you received such useful, supportive wisdom for before your launch that you needed to read?

Nooo?! Yeah…it’s not often that we get perfectly sage advice from our personal mentors, just handing us loads of information that we could use for before, during and well beyond the opening of our businesses.

The actual process of constructing a business from scratch is so much more than its launch or ‘opening day’. Your business truly began the moment you said, ‘wait…I can actually do this?!’ At that moment you began to take yourself and your ambitions seriously. In fact, it was at that moment that you technically became an Entrepreneur! 

They say the ‘preparation stage’ is just as important, if not equally as hard to pull off, as opening your business for revenue. In that case, it’s crucial that you try not to burn out during this pre-launch time. With this in mind, we’ve put together some useful, supportive wisdom for before your launch that you need to read. Consider us that ‘mentor’ right about now!


Useful, Supportive Wisdom

For Before Your Launch

That You Need to Read


A woman stands alone on a windy day, she's looking for someone or something in the distance. She seems incredibly strong!


Never Jump In The Deep End

While it might seem that running a business is somewhat of a valiant effort and that you can secure your success if only you’re courageous enough – most of us know that’s not how things work. You should never jump in the deep end, and decide to take an all or nothing risk based on rumors or speculation.

To continue with the pool example, consider you wish to perform a cannonball, making a large splash to impress those around you. You could just run in and perform it.

But it’s wiser to first understand how deep the pool is. Are there any rules forbidding cannonballs in the first place? What if your suit becomes loose due to the overbearing physical effort? That would be embarrassing.

This strange metaphor is quite apt because when performing a cannonball or jumping into a marketing campaign, all eyes are on you. If no one witnesses it, even the best approach and form will be wasted. You should never underestimate the importance of research.

That marketing campaign could have had a real point, but was it backed up by empirical fact? Did it speak to a current need, try to subvert expectations or perhaps overdeliver on them? Did you achieve your goal of being funny, earnest, sincere, or serious? All of this will be founded on the planning and keeping an eye on the prize before you jump.

Supportive Wisdom For Before Your Launch –  You’re Not Just A Business

You are not just a business but also a social force, an enterprise that condones or condemns, and a presence with its own mass. You cannot simply be avoidant of the society in which you live – you are an integral part of it, and the decisions you make each and every day will shape the future.

Of course, you are a company focused on profitability and meeting deadlines or expectations. But you’re not only that. To ignore this vast spectrum of consequences that every choice has means you’re taking quite a limited view of your business.

Does this mean that you need to champion political causes to be justified in your expansion? Not at all. In fact, often that’s best to steer well clear from. However, your political activity actually comes from how you act. Have you been vetting suppliers?

Do you purchase your materials from fair trade or ethical sources? How do you compose your waste management? What about your staff experience? How wasteful are you? What social impact are you having, or perhaps your product and service?

The answers to these questions can be infinite in any direction, but it’s essential to ask that of yourself. Then, with that in mind, you’ll be much more focused on being a better version of yourself, as you’ll have informed yourself that way.

Accountancy Is King

You can scuffle your branding, you can undergo product revisions, you can fire or discipline ineffective staff – but you must never mess up your books. Accountancy is King. For this reason, common business wisdom asks you to always, always, always ensure that your accounting habits are being well looked after.

A woman on her laptop and cell phone simultaneously, trying to figure out the books. Good thing someone shared with her, 'some supportive wisdom for before your launch'. And that wisdom was... "Learn to do your books before you open your doors!To that extent, understanding how to manage accounts receivable/payable, manage your payroll effectively, speak with your accountants when necessary, and remain both competitive and profitable will become second nature. It feels good to keep on top of your personal finances, and doing so can often help you feel protected and valid in a legal sense.

But why should you make this hard on yourself? Simply making matters hard because you can is hardly ever a worthwhile circumstance to consider. For this reason, we would heavily recommend you invest in accounting software. Not only does this help you automate various elements of your account keeping, but you can view a cohesive picture of your finances.

You can also forecast corporate task, continually understand your financial situation at a glance as well as help you track expenses more appropriately. When you’re completely on top of your financial planning, not only can you make bolder decisions but you can also forecast various leadership paths with care.


Some Supportive Wisdom For Before Your

Launch – Lead By Example

It’s important for you to hold yourself to the same standard you would of your employees. We’re talking in terms of punctuality, professionalism, wardrobe, and fairness.

It’s also important to be respectable, not simply ask to be viewed as such. For example, applying discipline fairly to your staff is an important factor in helping them trust you.

Ensuring that your praise is only given when meant can help your staff avoid feeling as though you’re going to compliment them no matter how they behave.

On top of that, if you expect a dress code of your staff, you should be able to meet said standard with care, perhaps even dressing as an ‘ideal version’ of that which you expect from your staff.


I hope that you found this information useful and supportive. Perhaps you found it to be worthwhile wisdom for your launch and the future of your business!


Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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