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5 Ways To Make Sure That Your Small Business Succeeds

Launching your own successful small business is definitely one of the greatest challenges you’ll ever face. Surely, it’s a decision that you will never regret making, but are there some ways to make sure that your small business succeeds, especially when you’re taking your first steps into the world of business? Below are five ways to make sure that your small business is a success!


5 Ways To Make Sure That

Your Small Business Succeeds

A woman drinking a cup of tea while on her laptop is doing what it takes to make sure that her small business succeeds, by waking each morning at 5am, as seen here.


Ensure Your Small Business Succeeds & Don’t

Spend Money!

When you first start out with your small business, you might be awarded a loan from the bank. I assure you, no matter what you tell yourself (i.e., some of the money is totally for decorating the office and shopping for designer ‘power suits’!), your loan is meant to be your influx of cash to set up your business, not for the furniture but bills, computers, product development/testing, etc.

The only way that a small business succeeds anymore is when the owner makes sure that she’s smart with her investments and cutting corners wherever possible. And no, I don’t mean that you need to drive down back alleyways to look for a stained couch that someone just threw away…

I’m thinking more along the lines of shopping for secondhand items on apps like OfferUp, Let Go, 5 Mile, even websites like Craigslist and eBay are still very much valid places to find exactly what you’re looking for.


Hire the Best Team

Having a stellar, solid staff, is vital for the success of any small business. If you’re doing all of the work, and your team is letting you down, you’ll find that you’re suffering as a result.

This is why it’s important to find people who are experienced but also, put your trust in people who are eager and willing to learn and could be a real asset to your business.

Have you ever heard people who talk about getting a ‘vibe’ about a person, usually upon meeting them for the first time? It’s like ‘love at first sight’ but more of ‘I can see us working well together… we totally vibe’.

Then based on that instinctual, ‘gut feeling’, you hire that person and bring them on board. In business, always trust your instincts. Acknowledge who or who isn’t vibing with you and go from there!

Gain Some Management Skills

A lot of your success as a businesswoman will depend upon your management skills. You need to be strong in certain areas like; the way that you deal with your staff, the way that you manage our finances, and the way that you react to a crisis.

If you’re not quite confident that you’ll have everything under control, then you might want to refrain from making any major decisions before a management skills training course. Making this move for this very reason actually shows the ‘knack’ you clearly have for management.


Learn To Be a Saleswoman Too

Another way to make sure that your small business succeeds is to train you and your team to sell your products.

You need to become a good salesperson, which ultimately translates to, “you need to know how to have conversations with people”.

First, you should have your ‘elevator pitch’ and seven different versions of it, memorized and ready to go.

Also, knowing how to talk directly to your target audience is a truly amazing gift that comes naturally to only a few. The rest of us have to practice and so do you! This is an area you should definitely be working on.


Make an Effort Every Day…

No small business ever succeeded without somebody putting a lot of effort into making sure that it did. You also need to be ready to give some things up entirely. Sure, you can still have a social life, but it’s not going to be like it used to be.

Sometimes you’re going to be working until very late one night, only have to start ‘first thing’,  just hours later the next morning. This is just the reality of business ownership, so be ready for it!


So, if you want to make sure that your small business succeeds, then keep these five things close to mind. You’ll soon be raking in the profits, and enjoying your new-found independence as a small business owner!


Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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