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The Most Important Matters To Get To When Extending Your Home

When you want something new for your home, you can really only go in two different directions. On the one hand, you could buy and move into a brand new house or deal with a stressful renovation. Ugh, that word… let’s call it, extending your home, adding onto it. Doesn’t that have a nicer ring to it? 

Also, after giving it some thought, the idea of moving and selling a house sounds way more stressful than a renovation! Now that you’ve gone back and forth with me, doesn’t the idea of extending your home sound much better?

First off, an extension would add a solid number of square footage to your property. This, of course, translates to “more square footage, which equals higher property value”. But the best part is, you don’t have to move or sell a house and still, you get a totally renewed space that’s more modern and not as lived in!

I’m not going to sugar coat it, there will be a lot of project planning and organizing in your immediate and beyond, future.  For a full extended wing of the house, it might take more time in the development stage. But that’s not to say this is impossible or should even cause any hesitation when planning to go forward.

If you’ve never undertaken something like this before, it can be somewhat stressful. Where do you even start? How might you honor your original designs while remaining flexible? We’ll be covering those and more question as you continue to read on. Now, for the most important matters to get to when extending your home.


The Most Important

Matters To Get To

When Extending Your Home


The Floor Plan

It’s important to be extremely realistic here. It’s incredibly important to consider what your needs are vs. what you want for your floor plan.

You will, of course, be limited by the confounds of your property for starters. Also by your estimated construction time, budget and of course, which supporting walls have to remain where they are. 

Now, don’t be discouraged… you will still be able to exercise creative control over what goes where. It’s important to take measurements to help you ‘imagine’ the space. For example, how will a door open to a certain room? Where do you hope to install your new Elite Window Solutions and where will you place the ventilating bricks, around or under them?

How does the design from the original set of floor plans and the updated, extended floor plans, look in comparison? Do they complement each another or could you potentially adopt a more refined solution? Now, remember, we are talking ‘floor plans’ BUT we’re focusing on the most important matters that you’ll be dealing with when extending your home.


The Housing Authority

A project of this scope may run into some initial resistance by the local housing authority. It’s important to run all final floor plans by the authority in as much detail as possible when filling out your application.

Unfortunately, you could everything the housing authority asks for and still have to jump through hoops! For example, if construction work has already taken place on your street in the last year, you may have to wait until after the first anniversary of your neighbors’ renovation, before being allowed to break ground on your own project.

Also, depending on where you live, further assurances and notices might need to be held up on your end. For example, you may need to place a ‘pending construction’ notice at the front of your property a month before work is scheduled to begin on your house. This notice will give local residents a chance to learn about the work you’re conducting and give a rough timeframe of its completion.


Hiring Professionals

While it might be that you or your partner that has a great deal of trade experience, building a house alone is not advisable.

It’s important to bring in professionals to areas you may not be familiar with, like the plumbing or electrical circuitry.

Then there’s the digging up those foundations, securing stock for the build and also, how to store that inventory against bad weather!

It’s also important to choose the best time to hire and conduct work in the first place. You want to give yourself and your family time to deal with the encroaching date ahead.


Stick To Your Plan

The reason it’s so important to refine and stick to your plan before you even consider beginning work, is because mid-way through the build it will be much harder to change your plans.

Making mockups on CAD Design studios or architectural suites, confirming the floor plan, purchasing materials, and paying for the time of those professional services…

Is all something that can be set in stone while you organize contracts, agree upon work to be completed, and have certain matters accepted from the housing authority. Say all of that five times fast!


By going over the most important matters to get to before getting an extension on your home, you’re actively ensuring that your project will be a great success.


Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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