0 In Small Biz & Startup Tips/ Social Media Marketing

5 Things That Will Draw More People Into Your Store

When you’re trying to attract more foot customers into your store, your main focus is appealing aesthetically, especially to customers that haven’t been in your store before. However, there are other tricks that you can put into play to make sure that people are walking through your doors. Check out these tips that will draw more people into your store.


5 Things That Will Draw

More People Into Your Store

Dress Up Your Window (or not)

Your store window is the first thing that people will see when passing by your shop. If you want to get them to step foot inside the store, your display window needs to be on point. This can be a challenge if you’re selling more services than you are products.

However, creating large cardboard cutouts to grab people’s attention is a great way of dressing up your window, even if you’re essentially “product-less”. As for your actual products, find clever ways to display them by using window transfer stickers.

Either way, you want to keep your storefront window as clean and sharp looking as possible. This way, no matter what you have on display if people get closer to the glass to take a peek at what’s inside, you better have clean glass for them to get a clear look!


Advertise Throughout Your Neighborhood

Have you ever considered using what’s already outside of your store to help attract people in? Bus stop shelters are one example of utilizing a fixed space for some local advertising. You could put up a poster at the bus stop or at a subway stop platform.

If you want to go bigger, you can always create a massive sign to be displayed on a billboard. Local schools (at least here, in Los Angeles) allow for local businesses to put up posters along the side of the yard fences. Of course, your advertisement better be 100% kid-friendly!


Add a Little Curb Appeal 

The aesthetic side of things is almost just as important on the outside as it is on the inside. After all, it’s outside of your store that your customers ultimately make the decision to walk in. And how do they make this decision?

If they’ve never heard of your store, then it all falls to the look or it from the outside. Over time weather can deteriorate the sidings on your building, the roof, paint, etc. If your store looks shabby on the outside, what’s a customer to think about how well you keep up the inside?

Give your exterior walls and window panes a coat of paint. Maybe replace the front door and add a bold paint color to contrast the color of the rest of the building paint. Also, always make sure your windows are clean! You want people walking by to be able to see in, don’t you?


Create a Unique Sign

The sign to your shop is more important than you may think. So to help increase the number of foot traffic from outside your store into indoor paying customers, you should create a sign that people are going to remember. Huge marquee signs made a big comeback in the past few years and they’re still popular enough today if you wanted to go that route.

Think about McDonald’s, for example. It’s a world-widely known, massively sized M that people can’t help but notice. Where are your “golden arches”? Create a sign to do exactly what that M does for Ronald’s customers, for your customers.


Extend Your Reach On Social Media

Sometimes, even if your store looks amazing and you’re doing your best to promote it throughout your neighborhood/city, in the end, it might not be enough for you to hit your sales goals. This is where the incredibly powerful use of social media comes into play.

Promoting your business online, on various social media platforms will offer your marketing and advertising efforts a longer arm to reach those who might love your store if only they could walk past it.

But since they can’t, for whatever reason, you have to come up with another way to get your products in front of their eyes! 

The beauty of the Internet is that you can literally reach every corner of this planet with your message, products, music, whatever anyone has to share.

And the best thing is when people actually take advantage of this reach and are able to sell their products to people from all over the world. Social media platforms offer us different, entertaining ways to communicate. 

Since Instagram is primarily a photo-sharing app, now with live video, you could run a promotion where you ask customers to share a picture of themselves holding your product and post it with a specific hashtag, like #welovebooties (if your products was a snow show, like booties).

Campaigns like this one are successful because they’re pretty simple to do and they invite participation from your customers!

Coming up with an appropriate campaign for each social media platform would probably work best since each app is primarily known for its own form of integrating media, for purposes of communication and social campaigns.


Jessica Rose Adams

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