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How To Quickly Find Your Next Job

Are you sick of spending all your free time applying to every possible opening, just to make sure you find your next job? What if it’s something you hate doing, do you skip it and risk another month of borrowing money to pay the rent? Don’t worry, you aren’t the only person frustrated with the job hunting process.

It is a process nevertheless and can end up drawing out over several months and even up to a year, sometimes. That’s obviously not what you want if you are desperate to get something now or if you’re trying to leave your current job ASAP.

But maybe the reason why it’s taking so long to find a new job is that you’re going about it all the wrong way? Here are a few tips that should be able to help you find and land your next job in record time!


How To Quickly

Find Your Next Job



Research Companies Carefully

First, you need to make sure that you’re applying to companies that are actually as great as they say they are.

Lots of businesses, especially newer startups, tend to offer lots of benefits that seem too good to be true. And unfortunately, most of the time, that tends to be the case!

You should look for reviews of each company online, like these CRST reviews, so that you can read for yourself, what past and present employees really think about the company.

If possible, you should try to speak to a current employee over the phone, about some of the pros and cons, and what it’s like to work there.


Create Bespoke Resumes For Each Application

When you have found some jobs at good companies, you should create a tailored resume and cover letter for each job that you’re applying to. Gone are the days when sending the same generic resume and cover letter to every job you’re applying to.

What if some details about a specific job don’t fit with some specifics that recruiters are looking for on another job? Writing out individual resumes and cover letters for each application gives you the chance to show each of the skills and every bit of experience that each job asks for, without including any unnecessary information.



Use Your Network To Your Advantage

If you have already been working for a few years, you should have at least somewhat of a sizeable network of business contacts. This is something that you can use to your advantage when you are job hunting.

You will be able to reach out to your contacts to see if they know of an employer or company who is currently hiring. If they know you are looking, they will also be able to recommend you to everyone in their network. Using these word of mouth techniques is a really great way to quickly find a new job!



Always Over-Prepare For Interviews

You might be doing really well with the first part of the recruitment process only to slip up in the interview stage. To make sure that this never happens, you should always prepare for every single interview that you have.

One way to do this is to role play with a friend. Get them to ask you some questions that are likely to come up in the interview so that you can prepare your answers. 


If you follow all these tips, you should be able to find your next job pretty quickly… go get ’em!


Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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