1 In Blogging For Your Business/ Search Engine Optimization/ Social Media Marketing

7 Ways To Promote Your Website That Will Increase Traffic

Your company’s website is its storefront on the Internet. So having a website for your business is essential for nearly every company that exists today. Here’s why… let’s say your company is totally reliant on people actually visiting your website before you can make a single dime? In that case, you’ll need to come up with clever and proven ways to promote your website for lots of traffic!

Never fear, many millions of people make their living this exact way. So at least you know that it is, in fact, possible! Now, depending on what type of business you have, there are a plethora of things you can do promote your website, that will increase traffic. The following are seven of those things that really anyone can do, regardless of your industry, to promote your website and drive traffic.


7 Ways To Promote

Your Website That Will   

Increase Traffic



Optimize Your Website For SEO

Female hands are typing (up close) on a MacBook laptop.SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, is actually the point of why you write a blog post the way you do or design your website, highlighting certain areas of your main page over others.

The #1 way to get traffic to your website is by making sure that everything on your website is optimized for search engines.

SEO is a strategy that involves using carefully selected keywords throughout your content, specifically placed web design tactics for user experience and link-building throughout your blog posts (to name a few things!).

This strategy is executed in order to help improve your rankings on search engines such as Google, Bing, and even Pinterest (the visual search engine). Ranking high on search engines is important if you want to reach enough people and encourage them to visit your site.

Most consumers rarely venture beyond the third page of search engines when looking for a company to use. So if you’ve done your job to promote your website, the higher you’ll rank in search… which truly makes all the difference! You can manage your own SEO but for the most effective results, you’d be in good hands if you hired a professional SEO company such as SEOexplode.

These companies know exactly how to optimize everything you’re already doing (and then some!) to help improve your ‘searchability’ and subsequent ranking. This, of course, could lead to a notable rise in traffic to your website.


Create a Blog For Your Company’s Website

Blogging is also another excellent way to attract more visitors to your website. Having a blog on your site allows you to expand on the type of content you produce, which opens up more doors for your business.

Publishing a post like “5 signs your toilet needs replacing” on your plumbing company’s website, could help to attract extra visitors who are thinking of replacing their toilet.

Blogging is great for your SEO strategy since it allows you to integrate keywords more easily, within blog posts.

Another SEO ‘bonus’ here is that you’ll be able to keep your website constantly updated with new content. You should post content regularly and make sure that it’s well written.

If writing isn’t your strong suit or you just don’t have the time or patience, you can one of the following; hire freelance writers to create content or invite guest post submissions on your blog.

The latter option is free and offers a unique opportunity to potentially network with other “plumbing enthusiasts” in your area (or possible competitor plumbing businesses like yours, on their own blog!). 


Promote Your Content On Social Media

Social media marketing is easily the best way to promote your blog’s content to potentially millions of people. As a result, you get to promote your website to more people, which equals more traffic to your website.

Depending on which social media sites you’re active on, you should be able to generate a targeted audience of followers with your content.

Setting up social media accounts is both easy and free. Social media platform are the perfect places to keep your followers updated on any discounts or promotions you might be running for your products.

Remember the plumber we talked about in the last section? Well, you may also be able to attract new visitors to your site, by strategically placing keywords throughout your posts.

The top 5 most popular social media sites incorporate written and visual content, which is most suited for sharing all kind of web content. The number one site is, of course, Facebook.

Since the introduction of Facebook Live, video sharing has found a home on the platform. The number five most popular site introduced live streaming video to their already visual site, right around the same time that Facebook did. Instagram is the powerhouse that is the fifth spot, with YouTube, Facebook Messenger & WhatsApp filling in the second, third, and fourth spots.


PPC Advertising

PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising is one of the most common forms of advertising across the web. This involves creating an online advertisement and displaying it until a certain amount of people have clicked on it.

This ad could lead a user straight to your website, helping you increase that traffic flow to your website. There are several types of PPC ads that you can use.

Text ads tend to appear on search engines and appear as promoted listings. Google AdWords is the most common tool for generating these types of ads.

Then there are display ads, which display on other websites and generally take the form of banners or pop-ups using images and animations.

Video ads, which can display before or during YouTube videos, appear on websites or within apps.

Companies such as DirtyLittleSerifs can design ads for you. Creating high-quality ads are incredibly important, especially if you want people to click on them.


Email Marketing 

You can also generate more traffic to your website by making use of email marketing. When writing up your weekly or monthly newsletter to your subscribers, it’s a perfect time to include any promotional info you may want to share with them.

You can send out an email that directs people to specific content on your websites, such as a product page or blog post that talks more in-depth about the product you’re trying to sell.

Then, of course, there’s capturing brand new customers from your website, and having them sign up to your mailing list. This has become a pretty simple tactic that most everyone uses.

You’ll likely create a one-sheet, e-book or anything of value, and offer it in exchange for your site visitor’s email address. Then you can make sure they’re updated on any relevant promotions, sales, etc.

Email marketing is also a common strategy for keeping loyal customers in the loop about your company… and to make money!

For example, by adding affiliate links to your and others’ products, you’re directing your loyal customers to a website where they can buy something you know they already want or need.

This is just one of the reasons that ‘they’ say “the money is in the list” and just proves how powerful a tool email marketing is, to drive traffic wherever you want to direct them.


Search Engine Data Analytics

This option is technically indirect but far more powerful! Search Engine data, such as Google Analytics or Pinterest Audience Insights, can be highly useful tools to help you understand your visitors’ behavior.

Such tools help to give you in-depth stats on the people visiting your site, including their location, age group, industries that they usually make purchases from, what time (in your time zone) they are on your site and if they’ve ever been there before.

The detailed information is abundant and incredibly useful. You may be asking yourself, “but how exactly do you promote your website to a spreadsheet of data?”

Well, because of the insightful information, this data can allow you to tailor your content towards your visitors. You do this by seeing which trends they’re into, then appealing to these trends in your blog content.

Also, if your website’s on WordPress you’ll gain access to your own on-site analytics with the Jetpack plugin. Jetpack is one of the most used and free WordPress plugins on the market.

But even if you have your data from Jetpack and also regularly check your Pinterest stats, it’s still imperative that you have a Google Analytics account. The robust analysis of such detailed, thorough data… you just can’t deny all of the years that GA has spent on top of the information data totem poll. See why for yourself!


QR Codes For Physical Marketing

You can also use QR codes to attract offline visitors. A QR code is a distinctive bar code that, when scanned with your smartphone camera, sends people to your website.

Such codes are useful to set up as the prize in a game. They can be printed onto marketing flyers, business cards, and are also very popular on posters. The beauty of the QR code is its user-friendliness. Rather than having to write out or remember your website address, consumers can simply scan your QR code.

A great thing about these codes is that they’re DIY and can be easily generated on one of the many QR creation websites, such as QRStuff. Just make sure that the code is printed properly so that it works when scanned.  



Jessica Rose Adams

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Carlton Arzaga
    August 9, 2021 at 6:28 am

    Thanks very nice!

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