0 In Balancing Your Lifestyle & Business/ Mind/Body Wellness

How to Have It All In Your Career

There are so many reasons why starting your own business was one of the best ideas you’ve ever had. Perhaps you were tired of the toll that your 9 to 5 was taking. Or you realized that making money for someone else when you have an entrepreneurial mind was just wasting your talent. You wanted to have it all and knew you should be your own boss!

So you developed your ideas into a business plan and that, into a full-fledged business. And you’ve experienced the highs and lows of being an entrepreneur ever since.

There are times though when the stress of having to juggle family life, your business and your much-needed alone time for self-care, can seem downright impossible. We take a look at how you can have it all in the career you’ve always wanted and keep those other parts of your life in balance as well.


How to Have It All

In Your Career



Be Present & Mindful

When you’re at work, you know you have to be there at work. When you’re at home or with family and friends you should definitely be there too. As tempting as it may be to get on your smartphone and check emails, log on to social media accounts, or jump on your website real quick, don’t!

Obviously, this is made all the more difficult if your office is in your home. But, especially when you work from home, it’s crucial to your sanity and well-being that you commit to being present and mindful.

That means turning your laptop off when you’re done using it and ‘closing down’ your office, just like you would at any job you worked at. Turn that out of office email on and commit to being totally unavailable.

Your me-time is in no way less valuable than your work. If you’re out walking your dog, having coffee with a friend, or reading a book, remember to stay present at that very moment. You’re doing something that you enjoy, so try not to get too distracted by everything that we have to distract us in this crazy, busy world.

If you struggle to ‘switch off’, you might consider practicing mindfulness techniques that will give you valuable insight into dealing with your emotions and the skills to staying present.


Learn To Accept Help

If you’re struggling to stay on top of things in your business then you should be prepared to ask for and accept help. It’s not a sign of weakness, rather, a sign that you may need some help keeping your business afloat or with its expansion.

Get your network fully up to the task with Business IT Support and be ready to take on a consultant or virtual assistant for some one-off projects. These will free you up to do the jobs that you love doing.

It might also be time to hire some new team members. You’ll need to start preparing your open jobs’ requirements and responsibilities to make sure that you find the right person. Having a team behind you to help you achieve all your goals is invaluable.


Prioritize Your Health

Finally, making sure that your health needs are your number one priority is imperative. Neither your business nor your home life will benefit from a burnt out, stressed you. Not to mention your poor body!

Stress and lack of sleep are actually two of the most deadly things you can allow to happen to your body. Also, make sure you’re eating enough clean, whole, nutritious food and drinking more water than you do, coffee.

If you sit behind a computer for most of your day, you need to start getting up and walking around every forty-five minutes, for at least five minutes. Start listening to your body’s needs and respond to them as a matter of utmost urgency.

Having it all seems like an impossible dream at times for women in business. But it really doesn’t need to be. If you’re mindful, put your health first, stay present, and focus on hiring help as needed, you’ll be able to do everything you want in your professional and personal life. And you absolutely deserve to have it all.



Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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