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3 Reasons To Be Cautious When Considering A Driving Job

Driving jobs have risen from a relatively “niche” industry into a dominant market force in just the past few years. As more people turn to drivers in order to fill all manner of delivery services, demand has definitely risen. But there are some solid reasons to be cautious when considering a driving job.

The most popular choice is to become a driver of passengers (like a taxi) for employers like Uber or Lyft. Another popular option is to deliver parcels or groceries for Amazon or any other e-commerce store nowadays.

You can even bring someone their McDonald’s drive-thru directly to their front door… I’m sorry but that is just lazy! But alas, take-out and fast food pick-up/delivery is now a valid job opportunity for millions of people.

However, while driving for a living may sound like the perfect job, the reality may not be quite so rosy. As a side hustle, maybe! And especially if you have long dreamt of quitting your 9-5 life in a cubicle. But here are three reasons to be cautious when considering a driving job in the near future.


3 Reasons To Be Cautious

When Considering

A Driving Job



You Could Be Putting Your Health At Risk

Many people are aware that driving may pose a risk to their health due to its sedentary nature, but driving can actually be responsible for a wide range of health conditions.

These conditions include musculoskeletal conditions related to uncomfortable driving positions, and to lung problems caused by exposure to high levels of pollution. The more you drive, the more the chances of experiencing driving-related health issues increases.



Driving Is Inherently Dangerous

Not to put too fine a point on it but driving is dangerous and there’s really no way to counteract this simple fact. Driving on urban roads is especially dangerous but, as https://www.drive-safely.net/ demonstrates, so is driving on rural roads.

Driving alongside other cars is dangerous, but as https://866attylaw.com/ explains, so is driving near trucks and heavy vehicles. There’s simply no way to make driving completely safe.

Especially when you are at the mercy of other drivers. And if you are driving for a living then you have to be aware that your chances of getting into an accident will significantly increase.



Driving Jobs Aren’t Steady Work

Driving jobs are considered a part of the “gig economy”. This means that while the drivers are considered ’employed’, they don’t receive a typical salary. Their pay is determined on how often they work, how far they drive and like waiters, they may receive a tip.

While the gig economy is popular with businesses, for reasons mentioned in https://www.forbes.com/, this type of work is far from ideal. For example, taking a driving job may mean that you won’t receive sick or holiday pay.

Your rights are relatively limited and there is no guarantee that you will be able to work or earn anything at all. As a result, driving jobs are often best kept as a side hustle and not a full-time employment option.


If you want a driving job for a change of pace or a side hustle, you could make it work. What’s most important is to know that driving jobs are not necessarily as perfect as they seem. When you have a clear idea of what the work actually entails, you can make a fully informed decision.


Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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