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How To Do a Home Renovation To Improve The Home You’re In

Your family home is probably the biggest investment you’ll ever make. Traditionally, it’s the place that you and your partner purchase sometime after your wedding and get to raise your kids in. You’ll gain equity, maybe spend some money on a home renovation to improve the place a bit.

Then you’ll save up more money to put right back into the equity. Most importantly; your house will be somewhere that functions for you and your loved ones (like an excellent school district). However, as families grow older, they may feel as if they’ve outgrown the space they’re in.

Eventually, many families will choose to sell their first ‘family home’ and move on. This can be a great solution for some, but, if it means sacrificing things, like the great location or not being able to stay near family and friends; it can become a truly saddening experience for many.

Therefore, it’s always worth looking into if there are any ways that you can make sure you’re able to stay in your family home and the environment you love. Many people choose to renovate and improve areas of their home so that they can make it possible to stay put.

Moving costs a lot of money, time, and effort; therefore, it’s definitely worth exploring your options beforehand right? The following are some ideas for those who wish to stay in their house, do a home renovation and improve the home they’re in!


How To Do A

Home Renovation To

Improve The Home You’re In


Tear Down Smaller Rooms For a GREAT ROOM

Perhaps your family is growing with more kids, pets, or everyone just seems to be getting bigger and in each other’s way. The living space in your home may be starting to feel cramped and claustrophobic, which might be why you started looking into other properties in the first place.

However, you can open up the space by actually reducing the number of smaller rooms and creating a larger communal area. Kicking things off with a licensed Contractor or better yet, starting with an Architect will allow you to understand how knocking down and moving some walls will help the space flow better.

This will also give you more options about where large furniture items can go and create a bright open environment where everyone can co-exist. It’s worth looking into sites like getcash.com so that you can budget and fund your project successfully. Since you just created your ideal living area and invested in your most valuable asset, it’s worth looking into!


Then Add On Some MORE Rooms…

Now you’ve eliminated a few small rooms that belonged to everyone and made one big room that everyone can belong in. But you might want to add one or two new rooms for anyone who may have lost their room in the Great Room transition!

Another reason that people would add extra rooms to their home, might be to welcome family members moving in. The current economy like it is, more adult kids are moving back home. Elderly parents are moving in with their kids too, the official term for their quarters being called their “in-law suite”.

Or perhaps your little ones are now teenagers and in need of rooms for each to call their own. In that case, you may want to think about utilizing your attic space and possibly building upwards. 

You may also want to consider extending an entire section of the house. A popular choice is extending the living room out onto a covered patio area, basically “bringing it inside”. An extension will give you more options like extra space for visiting relatives or possibly adding a game room. 

Also, finished basements are becoming popular places for everything from entertainment areas, home offices, and even a master or an in-law suite; so go and imagine the space, without all those boxes and old bikes stacked-up!

Finally, I know several entrepreneurs who have used their beautiful backyards as land for their ‘She Sheds’ and tiny offices. On the left is my favorite, an 80 sq ft refurbished Airstream that’s become the headquarters for a home-based business.

Once a structure is successfully incorporated outside, giving you an office environment that’s separate but still at home. You’ll have added to your property value without officially adding onto the actual house.



Jessica Rose Adams

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