0 In Our "Mini-Post Series" by Guest Writers

Worried About How To Find Inspiration To Start Your Movement?

Have you ever worried about how to find inspiration to start your movement? Perhaps there’s an issue that you deeply wish to express your opinion about but have trouble finding the right people to relate to. What if you want to change something you find wrong in the world?

Or maybe (all cheesiness aside) you want to be the change that you want to see in the world… Thank you Ghandi! Maybe your topic is on a much larger, political scale… or in a smaller, community effort that you are involved with?

You might want to do any/all of these things but don’t have much confidence in our voice yet. But if you feel as though this issue brings about your most genuine and authentic self, you deserve to feel actualized in its pursuit.

This means giving yourself more credit than you likely do right now, for starters! It means becoming a better version of yourself, depending on who you are and that which you hope to achieve. In other words, it’s an immensely freeing proposition.

But where on Earth are you supposed to begin? How do you even start? What if there’s no precedence for your, what will you call it… your movement?!

What if you never find your inspiration, your muse. Well, let us inspire you. Sometimes a little ember is all you need to build a raging fire of self-belief.


Worried About How

To Find Inspiration

To Start Your Movement?



Find Those Who Inspire You

It might be that you need to consider your approach possible before starting your movement. It can be the easiest thing in the world to discourage yourself, but when you see an example of excellence in front of you, you wish to emulate those qualities.

Perhaps you wish to be better. For example, seeing excellent and accomplished women such as Dr. Cynthia Telles defending the Latino community, championing their issues, is truly inspiring. Or finding an athlete you look up to or even someone from history who speaks to your truth.

Finding those who inspire you can help you take the next step. This is because more than who they are as people, the ability to see them championing principles that you might agree with can help you feel a strength you might not have had before.


Do What You Can

You don’t need to be the best immediately. Legends do not occur overnight. Even the people we remember most from history had to train, had to try and often failed. Michael Jordan once said,

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

With this humility, you will not be so easy to stop, no matter how many times failure comes knocking.


Find Your Purpose

You will never be interested to work hard at something you don’t truly believe in. You might go through the motions, but your soul won’t be in it.

Find your purpose, because it can help you move forward. You must find something appropriate only to you, and give yourself the tools to look to the future with real optimism.

That makes all the difference, as it helps your true nature shine. With these tips, you’ll be sure to start your movement with a burning passion.



Lauren D. Jennings

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