0 In Define Your Brand/ Small Biz & Startup Tips

Surefire Ways To Create The Ultimate Customer Experience

As a new entrepreneur, it’s likely you’re overwhelmed by all things ‘financial’ these days. Your major concerns are your funding sources, mitigating monetary risk, and of course, what your brand colors will be… The last thing you’re probably thinking about is how to give the ultimate customer experience!

But regardless of whether it’s at the top of your mind yet, the positive consideration of your customers definitely should be…You may be constructing your business vision to find that the majority of points within your plan rely on financial decisions.

However, you should never underestimate the power of the customer experience that you give. You could have the most financially healthy business but it won’t last long if you can’t make sales. And you won’t make sales if you have loads of negative reviews and poor feedback.

Whether it be online or in person, a bad review, especially if it’s due to bad customer service, can quickly become a really big deal. Take a look at a few surefire ways that you can create the ultimate customer experience to enhance your brand.


Surefire Ways To

Create The Ultimate

Customer Experience



Under Promise & Over Deliver

The policy of under promising and over delivering is simple. If you know that you can deliver a product across the globe in five days, state that you’ll get it delivered in a week.

By giving yourself two extra days leeway, you are mitigating for any delays. However, most importantly, you are fostering a feeling of trust when, assuming all goes well, your product arrives on your customer’s doorstep two days early.

They will be under the impression that you have gone out of your way for them and surpassed yourself. This particular customer will also be more inclined to order from you again and is far more likely to leave you a positive review online.


Market Your Business With Effective Branding Techniques

When people are looking to buy a product online, there are so many suppliers these days, that their first option will likely be to check out various websites.

They want to know about cost, customer service, and product quality. It’s vital that you can create the perfect balance of each of those, to make sure that your brand and business is up there with the best of them.

Consider utilizing some product packaging design software to produce custom-made, branded boxes for your goods. Add a free gift, whether this is a key ring or some candy, to add a touch of character to your customers’ experience.

Another example would be if you owned a restaurant and created a signature cocktail for a guest, celebrating their birthday. Customers tend to appreciate when business values the customer and makes that clear.


Always Respond to Complaints Right Away

If you receive a complaint, the chances are that it will be seen on the timeline one of your social media channels. Customers are savvy and know that this method of communication is highly visible. Being so public, it’s vital that you are seen to respond quickly and with care.

Suggest a quick chat via (private) Direct Messenger and assure the customer that you will personally get to the bottom of the issue. If there’s a problem with the product itself, there are a few things that you can offer.

First, you can offer a discount or partial refund if just one part of your product wasn’t working. Second, if the product is completely non-operational or non-functioning, you want to offer a full refund.

Each one of these offers shows that you’re taking responsibility for your defective product, thereby instilling even more trust in the relationship you have with your customer. Complaints can lead to poor reviews which can lead to a tarnished reputation.

As such, you need to quickly nip them in the bud and get things resolved. Even companies with the finest customer experience can get complaints; it’s the way you respond to a complaint that matters.


Being an entrepreneur isn’t all about financing and figures. It’s important to pay attention to your customers’ overall experience by giving them the attention that they deserve.

These were just a few tips on surefire ways to create the ultimate customer experience. Make sure that your business enjoys the outstanding reputation it deserves.


Jessica Rose Adamsz

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