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4 Areas You’ll Need To Be Skilled As An Entrepreneur

It’s not often that you hear about someone launching their own business, without knowing at least some of the areas they’ll need to be skilled as an entrepreneur. Not everyone can make a solo enterprise work, after all.

As such, it’s in an entrepreneur’s best interest to have things like basic leadership skills and the creativity to see an idea through. You’ve known that all along, and your abilities in these areas are part of the reason you thought you’d be able to do this.

The more your business grows, though, the more you’re seeing that this ‘basic’ skill set will never see you through. It might have been plenty to get you by when you were operating out of a home office.

It might even have been enough to sustain you when you took your first employees onboard. But, as things get serious, you may start to feel a bit out of your depth.

That’s because there’s far more to being a successful business owner than just having a knack for creation. Let’s take a look at the four areas you’ll actually need to be skilled as an entrepreneur.


4 Areas You’ll Need To Be

Skilled As An Entrepreneur



Website Design

In business today, your ability to create a decent website is almost as essential as having a great idea. This is where you’ll drum up the majority of your customers. If stats are anything to go by, even those who shop in physical stores will check you out online before their visit.

If they don’t like what they see, they’re never going to shop with you. Of course, if you’re a total novice and you can afford it, there are plenty of web designers and developers who can stay on top of your site’s design and functionality.

If you’re starting with a small budget, though, that’s likely never going to be an option. The good news is that content management systems’ like WordPress provide easy-to-use and free themes for your front-end web design. Themes on WordPress are like templates for those who are just starting out.

You may also find that heading to YouTube and watching tutorial videos can help you get ahead and started off in the right direction. You could even sign yourself up for a few classes and make sure that you’ll always be able to act as your company’s own web designer and developer.

While you don’t need a degree to have success, your website is sure to impress more potential customers, depending on how knowledgeable you are in this area.




You’re a creative person, not a mechanic. In fact, in your mind, the two probably couldn’t be further from each other. But, once production gets past the “bedroom stage”, a mechanic is basically what you need to become.

When orders coming through, after all, you’re going to need machinery to keep up with all that demand. Before you know it, you’ll be spending days trying to find the right cable carrier to perfect your production line.

Taking the time to read manuals for any machine you bring on board can make a huge difference. For one, it ensures proper use which can avoid breakdowns in the first place. It also means that you’ll understand the particulars if something goes wrong.

You may also want to hire staff who have some experience with similar machinery. It’s a simple step which could see them being able to come to the rescue when you can’t. And, remember; you can hire someone to take care of all this for you as soon as your profits are up.


Human Resources

While we’re on the subject of staff, you’ll also need to perfect the skill of hiring employees which falls under the category of human resources. The people you employ and the way you treat them can both make and break what you’re trying to do with your business.

Ultimately, you’ll need to ace your marketing, conduct diligent interviews and thorough background checks to land the best candidates. You should also work to harness a fun and passionate work environment.

It’s easier said than done, but simple things like ‘catered morning meetings’ and ‘work nights out’ can do the trick here. You should also aim to treat every team member with respect and be as flexible as you can be to their personal needs.

Consider, for example, that the majority of employers now allow for remote working as it’s needed. Offering remote opportunities for your own staff members who work solely behind their computer screens could make you a very popular boss to your team.

Take heart, too, in the fact that this is something which should become second nature to you as time goes on. You could even hire an HR team to make sure your staff is even happier later down the line.



Believe it or not, many people who start businesses actually tend to be on the quiet side. Let’s say you’re the type of person who is used to getting your creative juices flowing alone, in your dining room.

t may come as a bit of an unpleasant surprise to hear that you need to start networking with other creatives. You understand the need to sell and you’ve developed a winning pitch which has pulled in the customers. But, networking? That’s an altogether more petrifying prospect.

We’re talking going to big business events and making sure that you leave a lasting impression with (hopefully) everyone you meet. What could be worse? Sadly, no business owner gets off the ground without perfecting this skill. If you can’t network, there’s no way to secure the investment and support that you’ll need.

Instead of sitting at home, you need to start researching business events and how to get into them. It’s also worth practicing an elevator pitch and researching how to join conversations without looking like you’re butting in. Get this right, and you could get your business going once and for all.




Jessica Rose Adams

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