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Set Your Day Up For Success By Following These Two Routines

Last Updated on March 9, 2019 by Jessica Adams

One of the best ways to increase productivity and set your day up for success is by following these two essential and really, obvious routines. The #1 thing anyone can do to make sure they have the best day ahead of them, following their morning routine, is by starting the night before, with an evening routine.

Following an evening routine, will ensure that you to get the best night’s sleep possible. You’ll have zero chance at a successful day following your morning routine if you haven’t had enough or quality sleep. 

Also, I’m not going to sugar-coat it but if you’re not naturally a morning person, this can all seem a bit intense. But honestly, after the first week or two of following these two routines, you’ll wonder how you lived before?! Let’s take a look at the only two routines you’ll ever need to set your day up for success.


Set Your Day Up For Success

By Following These

Two Routines


A woman is on her cell phone while also checking her watch for the time.


Start Your New Day… Last Night!

A woman has her back to us as she looks out over a large body of water in front of her. The sun went down a while ago and it is dusk.One of the most important things you can do when looking towards your day ahead is to start thinking about it the night before.

Besides, most everything in life is better with a bit of preparation beforehand! Making sure that you get a good night’s sleep is the key to whether you’re going to have a very productive morning.

Your productive morning is the precursor to the rest of your entire day. Do you see where I’m going with this? So how do we make sure that you have a successful day?

By going back to the ‘beginning’ of it, which was the ‘night before’. The following is the first routine made up of six points and another bonus point below, that I suggest you follow, with an emphasis on getting the best sleep possible.

A 6 Point Evening Routine

  1. The first of these two routines begin with the avoidance of caffeine during the last 6-8 hours of your day (assuming that you’re in bed by 10:30).
  2. You also want to avoid heavy meals at night as they decrease sleep quality, the best idea being to not eat anything two hours before bedtime.
  3. Avoid “blue light” during the last one-two hours before bed. This includes everything from the TV, laptop, tablet and yes, your smartphone!
  4. Use blackout curtains. Just trust me.
  5. Make sure the temperature is comfortable for you, favoring the cool side is recommended.
  6. Fall asleep listening to white noise or the preferred nature sound you like to fall asleep to.


Two women, each holding an alcoholic beverage in their hands as they dance, are clearly intoxicated and laughing.Another very important part of this routine isn’t for everyone so I thought it important to share separately. Another very important thing to remember in your day as you prepare for your sleep routine is to not drink any alcohol within at least two hours before your bedtime.

Alcohol is a depressant, meaning that your breathing slows down significantly and is considered “shallowed”. Obviously, you do not want to fall into a deep sleep with shallowed breathing because of the increase in chances that you may not wake up.

I don’t mean to get too serious on you here but if you’ve ever been affected by anyone who has abused alcohol or other substances, you know how important this is to mention. In fact, if you feel like you might be having issues with alcohol or any substance, a partial hospitalization program is definitely worth looking into.

Now to Start Your Morning Routine

Hydrate First Thing

Before you ask your body to work for you, you need to hydrate it. And no, coffee doesn’t count! Start your morning off with lukewarm water and a fresh squeeze of lemon. There are many steps that I recommend be inserted between this and the next part of your morning routine. Instead of listing all of those steps right now, I’d like for you to read one of our most popular posts, 10 Morning Habits For a Successful Day, before you read any further. After that, head back to this post for some breakfast…


Eat a Breakfast Fit For a King!

A woman stands in her kitchen with a breakfast sandwich in front of her and a veggie juice on the side. Another breakfast sandwich is made for someone joining her, along with a glass of milk.Breakfast is, after all, the most important meal of the day. After not eating for about twelve hours, it makes sense that our bodies need some serious refueling.

It’s funny to me that so many people either skip this meal altogether or rush through it, grabbing something loaded with processed sugar and totally unhealthy, as they run out of the door. 

Those practices are not going to give your metabolism the kick-start it needs to work properly throughout your day.

Check out this list of 20 delicious breakfast food recipes that are low on sugar and full of protein to keep you feeling full and give you the energy that you need. Numbers 1, 2, 12, 15 & 19 are my favorites on that list!


Turn Up The Music As You Signal Your “End Game”

While you are getting dressed, it’s time to pop on your favorite Spotify playlist. Ignore that you may be inclined to put something calming on. You’re about to head out the door or simply stroll down the hallway (if you work from home). Either way, you’ll need something upbeat and full of energy to kick off your day with. 

It doesn’t matter how much time you have to play music or if you’re even able to move your body while listening. The main point is that it’s on because it signals an official ‘end game’ to your morning routine. Try to pick songs that have a positive message if possible. Whatever music you like that’s up-tempo, it’s up to you but definitely turn it up!



Jessica Rose Adams

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