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How To Be Mindful In Your Daily Life

Last Updated on March 5, 2019 by Jessica Adams

Being mindful in your daily life, practicing self-care, eating organic foods, and enjoying a hike in nature may all sound like ‘wellness overkill’ but it’s the most normal and natural avenue you can take with your body and it’s health. With just a few changes in your life and a commitment to becoming aware of your surroundings, your quality of life can improve tremendously.

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us”mindful.org

In this present time of everyone being into self-care routines, mindful meditations, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) fitness and eating right for your body (blood) type, it seems as though we’re living in a spa-like resort that we could easily forget about the moment we walk off the premises.

But we’re not going anywhere and neither are these so-called ‘fads’. Because taking care of your mind and body’s health and happiness, aren’t things that will stop being important because others get bored with a ‘trend’. Besides, you can take smaller steps toward living this mindful/self-care kind of life and still get the same benefits.

Whether it’s increasing or switching your exercise routine or cutting dairy, meat, and sugar from your diet. Or it could be spending more time with the people that you love or no one at all, for one afternoon a week! There are so many ways you can improve your life. With that in mind, read on for how to be mindful in your daily life.


How To Be Mindful

In Your Daily Life




Spend Time With People You Love 

One thing you can do to help feel your best is to spend time with the people you love. While this may not be something you can do on a daily basis, the time you spend with your friends and family is something you should always cherish.

Living in the moment allows you to create and properly store memories that you’ll carry with you throughout your lifetime. Now that is a gift if you ask me! Surrounding yourself with positive emotions does remarkable things for your physical and emotional health. 

Emotional resilience is like a rubber band—no matter how far a resilient person is stretched or pulled by negative emotions, he or she has the ability to bounce back to his or her original state”University of Minnesota

Emotional resilience is something that we build up within ourselves over time. To have that kind of solid strength and fortitude is remarkable in itself. Resilience is a trait that we all nurture when spending time with the people we love.


Eat a Clean, Whole, Nutritious Diet and Exercise Regularly

First of all, try to ignore the word diet for what it has become in our society. Rather, look at the type of nutrition that I’m encouraging you to try. Clean eating is the belief that “eating whole foods in their most natural state and avoiding processed foods such as refined sugar offers certain health benefits”. 

Regardless of how healthy and clean your food is though, you still have to consider how much you’re eating. There’s a reason food is measured in servings, it’s based on people using controlled portion sizes. Making sure to follow a diet that works for your optimum health, including finding the best portion size for your body, is a testament to a nutritious diet.

In terms of regular exercise, you need to be sure that you’re getting at least 20 minutes each and every day or as most experts say, 1 hour of strength training & cardio, 3-4 days a week. These days it’s so easy to stay fit, yet we’re globally the most obese that we’ve ever been?!

I’ve discovered certain apps to download that make working out so much fun. For me, as long as I don’t think of working out as something I have to do, rather, I enjoy doing, I’m more likely to be successful.


Practice Self-Care Whenever You Can 

Self-care is a great way to make sure you’re spending valuable time doing the things that make you feel happy. This could mean taking a long bubble bath or a massage after a hard day at work. It could also mean curling up with a good book before bed.

Self-care as a practice allows you to take time from your hectic life to slow down and enjoy. It comes in the form of whatever makes you feel truly happy and at peace. For tips and ideas on all the different ways to practice self-care, you can visit this guide here.


Visit Your Doctor or Holistic Practitioner Regularly 

Although you may feel like annual check-ups are so twenty years ago, there’s a reason we’re encouraged to continue this practice into adulthood. The most important reason for the consistency is so that you’re being monitored at regular intervals. This way if something ever feels off, you have someone who knows you well and who can give an expert opinion.

Remember being warned as kids, “if it doesn’t go away after the antibiotics, go back to the doctor”. Then there are those moments no one should ever have to deal with but inevitably always does.

Consistency is key when catching something potentially fatal in its early stages. Let’s say you’re looking at potential lung cancer treatment options after having a bad scan, following symptoms you would never have put together.

Chances are, your healthcare practitioner remembers exactly what your symptoms were from last time.

That or he/she at least wrote them down! If you’re going to take the time to become more mindful in your daily life, eat healthy, exercise, and practice self-care, don’t skip seeing a healthcare practitioner. I mean, what’s the point of all the rest, if you’re just going to ignore seeing a trained healer who wants to help you live your best and longest life.


Put Yourself First & Discover Your Passion

Finally, you need to make sure you’re putting yourself first, in every way possible. It’s so easy to get caught up in making everyone else happy that we end up skipping ourselves.

One of the best things that you can do for yourself is to determine to discover your true passion in life. Whether it be something you want to turn into a career or an activity that you’d like to volunteer at.

Either way, if it makes you happy and no one, especially yourself, gets hurt… go for it! If that determination does point you in the direction of a career that you’re passionate about, 

Have you tried to become more mindful? If so, what changes have you made in your life? Let me know in the comments section below!   


Jessica Rose Adams

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