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Should You Focus On Your Passions To Get Your Dream Job?

Last Updated on February 25, 2019 by Jessica Adams

When you think about your passions in life, I’ll bet that you don’t usually associate them with how to get your dream job, do you? Most people decide what their passions are on one hand and what they’d pursue as a career on the other. Ultimately, people tend to view the two topics as completely separate categories.

Many people seem to leave their passions for ‘hobby time’ and focus solely on academic achievements and aptitude tests when it comes time to get their dream job. But what if you could turn what you’re passionate about into your dream job? There’s an expression that says, “do what you love and you’ll never work another day in your life”.

What do you think? Should you focus on your passion to get your dream job or just leave your passion where it belongs, in another area of your life. There’s definitely no wrong answer, as you’ll discover in this post. In the end, I’m left wondering which way is the right way or if this is even a ‘right or wrong’, ‘yes or no’ scenario at all?


Should You Focus On

Your Passions To Get

Your Dream Job?


A woman is smiling with her eyes at the camera, since her mouth is drinking from the coffee cup that she's holding up to drink.


Does Following Your Passion Ensure Happiness?

A black & white photo of a woman (me) singing while playing my guitar.Well, is it true? The old adage, “do what you love and you’ll never work another day in your life”? I love to sing and to be honest, I’m a really great singer.

Most of my youth was spent rehearsing for musicals and auditioning for choir solos. But did I want to do that every day, for the bulk of my life?

What would the ‘job’ be for my adult life as a singer…to never really sing that often, record a few albums, then tour the world a bunch after learning crazy dance routines?

I can tell you point blank, that would not have made me a happy person!  

Being a singer and being a popular performance artist are two very different things. As you probably know, most performing artists who tour the world and end up on the radio don’t even have to sing very well at all! Instead, they’re usually skilled dancers who are also very outgoing.

I still sing every day. In my ‘career’ I’m a writer. I’ve always had my nose in a book, excelled in English throughout school and being a writer by trade just suits me.

And while I am outgoing, I wouldn’t even want to perform in front of thousands of people for months on end. I did get that chance once and I’ll have that memory to look back on for the rest of my life.


Passion Can Fuel Your Drive!

Let’s say you have a passion for food. What exactly about food do you like? Cooking food, eating it, preparing the decor surrounding your ‘foodie’ experience? In this case, you can study to become a world-class chef or even open a restaurant, though neither has much to do with enjoying food at all!

Interior shot of a beautiful but quaint looking restaurant with deep blue walls.It’s a romantic idea, being a foodie with a passion for ‘all things cuisine’, then becoming a chef or restaurateur. But let me tell you, it’s no easy feat.

The restaurant industry can be a very emotionally draining one. This isn’t just because of the long days, but the financial pressures can be too much for some to bear.

But this is why those that are on their last legs still push hard because it is their passion. Sometimes it’s all about a change of perspective, and a revamp of the business can help change this perspective.

Going from a high-end experience to something more ‘rustic’ can make the restaurant more successful while easing the professional and financial pressure.

So what we have to remember is that there are plenty of resources out there to help us, RCSuppliesOnline being one of many that can help. This is part of the ups and downs of following your passion. It tests your patience, but if you can stick with it, you can absolutely reap the benefits!


Then Again, Passion Fades…

Okay, this next part has to be addressed. Ultimately, the reason we’re looking for our ideal career is that we long to find something that’s 100% perfect in every way. But this is never going to be the case. We’ll have good days, we’ll even have amazing days, but we’ll also have bad days, and even worse ones.

We can always think that the grass is greener on the other side, but it rarely is. If we’re after a career that we have a passion for, sometimes it’s just about feeling that we’ve accomplished something we love at the end of the day.

But you see, what we think we want to do…we usually find some aspects of that ‘job’ that we either didn’t consider or romanticized too much. So if you have a passion for something in life and you think you can make a career out of it, go for it! But sometimes, our passions are just better left outside of our working lives.




Jessica Rose Adams

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