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How To Choose The Best Project Management Tools For Your Business

Last Updated on February 25, 2019 by Jessica Adams

Nowadays, there are so many project management tools available for all manner of professionals. From Trello to Dropbox, and Basecamp to Asana, there’s a style that drives each of these PM tools and that nearly all businesses can find to suit their own needs.

Technology has advanced at a rapid pace, so now we can simply drag & drop our documents in/out of the cloud. This is something we can all make the most of so that we can manage our teams more efficiently, thus achieving more.

However, this is only going to be the case if you choose your project management tools with precision. With that in mind, read on to discover the various factors you need to consider to choose the best PM tool or program for your business.


How To Choose The Best

Project Management Tools

For Your Business



Know Your Goals and Needs

Before you can access all the tools available, you need to analyze the goals and needs of your business.

As you likely know, the start of a project’s first training course is where big decisions are usually born. 

You need to analyze and factor in the following during this stage: your business, your portfolio, and the objectives of the project.

You also need to consider available support, talent, and resources, organizational capabilities, culture, and behavior, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of your business.


Do Your Research

The next step is to do your research. Get online and start reading reviews that have been left by other project managers.

The fact is that they have already used the tool or program that you’re considering. This is a good way to get an honest insight into what program or tool you are considering.

You should be able to discover everything you really want to know. From how scalable the tool or program is, to whether it’s easy to carry out. 


Consider The Implementation Phase

The next factor you need to consider is how easy the tool or program will be to implement.

This is something that a lot of project managers will focus on but general managers tend to overlook.

Yes, a certain tool may offer a lot of features and benefits, but if it takes weeks of training it may not be the best choice for your team.


Is Your Data Safe While Using This Tool Or Program?

Irrespective of whether you are looking for a scheduling tool or something to manage staff compensation packages, the last thing you need to consider is the level of security that comes with the online management tool.

It seems that a day does not go by without news of a data breach, and the last thing you want is for your business to fall victim.

It is likely that your project management tool or program is going to house or have access to loads of data. Therefore, effective security is of paramount importance.


Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of the different factors you need to consider when looking for online management tools or programs, for your project team. With so many options available, it is important to narrow down your search effectively.


Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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