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How To Find The Right Property For Your Business

Last Updated on February 21, 2019 by Jessica Adams

Choosing the right property for your business is, potentially, one of the most important things any business owner will do. Making sure you have a property that can represent your business well from both the outside and in, is extremely important.

In fact, you’ll likely come across many properties during your search, that you’ll think are “the one”… Only to find that it cannot accommodate your needs. So, what exactly should you be looking for in a commercial property for your business?


How To Find The Right

Property For Your Business




The location of the property is arguably the most important aspect of getting the perfect building.

Although it’s important for businesses to try and keep costs down, purchasing or renting a property just because it’s cheap may not do your business any favors.

Your property needs to be in a place that’s close enough for customers to find you and easy for employees to make it into work.

It also needs to be accessible to your suppliers. So, if you’ve found a property that’s cheaper but it’s in a remote area that’s difficult for trucks and vans to gain access to, you’ll need to keep searching.


Consider the Costs

Don’t just enter into an agreement based on the price. There are many other costs involved in buying or renting commercial property. For instance, utilities like heating and water, electricity and maintenance. You can find average costs for the property if you do a property search online.

If you have any questions about the costs of the property, it’s better to ask before signing on the dotted line. It’s much better than finding out you can’t afford it a few months after you’ve already agreed to take on the responsibility.


Exterior Maintenance

You’ll be able to tell if the building has been well looked after before you even step foot through the door.

Take a good look at the exterior and try to spot signs of damage. Perhaps the paint job hasn’t been kept up with or the gutters haven’t been cleared.

You can always contact Contractors Inc if exterior work is required, but it can sometimes be an indication of larger problems. For instance, uncleared gutters can sometimes cause water damage inside the property.

Signs of mold on the exterior will mean it won’t be long before it travels through the property. Getting a professional opinion is always wise.


The Right Size

You’ll know how much space you roughly need in the property you’re looking for. Whether you’re running a retail store or you’re looking for office space, you need to remember the specifics of what you need.

Your real estate agent will probably show you properties that aren’t suitable but come with other benefits. Stick to your ‘nonnegotiables’ and don’t get sidetracked by alternative offers.



It’s a good idea to find out the average cost for the type of property you’re looking for. That way, not only will you be ready to pay the amount, but you’ll also know when you’re presented with a fair deal.

Don’t be tempted to pay more than you can afford because it will eventually take its toll on the business. You have to be aware of what you can reasonably afford before beginning a property search.


Bottom line, don’t be in a rush to find the perfect property and don’t make huge sacrifices either!


Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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