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How To Relocate Your Office & Refresh Your Business

Last Updated on February 19, 2019 by Jessica Adams

Once in a while, you’ll find it necessary to refresh your business, give it a ‘new lease on life’. This can be because things have started to take a downturn for your business or within your company. It could also mean that you feel it’s time for your business to start again somehow.

When this happens, one of the most common choices available to you will be to relocate your office. Look at it as an automatic upgrade to your business. Now, your central hub will greatly be improved and so will your business as a whole too.

This is absolutely something to consider if you’re hoping to create a better future for your business. You’ll also need to know exactly how you can make this work. Let’s take a look at some of the things you should consider when you’re relocating your office.


How To Relocate Your

Office & Refresh Your Business



Get Help With Moving

The actual moving process is going to be the hardest part on your entire team. You should make sure that you’re doing whatever possible to make sure things run smoothly. At the end of the day, that basically means you want to hire a professional moving company.

But don’t worry, the entire process for finding and hiring a great company isn’t as hard as you may think. There are plenty of great moving and packing services out there, able to help with commercial needs like yours. 

You might also want to think about paying some of your team over time, to help with the move after hours. You’d be surprised at how many people sign up for this job! It’s a great way to get everyone to get involved and boost morale too.


Decorate Sensibly

The way that you decorate your new offices is going to be of great importance. And it’s something you better be focused on if you want to make sure to get it right.

If you look into the psychology of color, you will see that it makes a huge difference which color you paint the new space. Choose a color that keeps people calm and ideally productive as well.

The more that you have this in mind as you decorate, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to make it work. Ultimately, if you’re truly a team, you’ll want your team to actually weigh in and vote on the colors.


Timing Is Everything

You should make sure that you choose the best time to actually go through with the move. If you fail to choose the best time, you might end up causing some problems for your business in the long run.

Make sure to avoid any busy periods, or any time when there is something big going on within your industry. This could potentially cause problems with fellow industry insiders and that’s usually a hard thing to remedy after the fact.

As long as you get the timing right, you should find that relocating your office is actually very good for your business as a whole.



Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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