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Are These The Reasons Why Your Product Isn’t Selling?

Last Updated on February 18, 2019 by Jessica Adams

It may very well be a momentary slump. Your product might be missing your expected sales target this week, but things will probably pick up by next week, right? However, if your product isn’t selling at all, and sales continue to be slower than expected, you’ll need to figure out why.

We have some suggestions and tips in this article, so if you’re relating thus far, consider what we’re sharing here. Are (the following) the reasons why your product isn’t selling?


Are These The Reasons Why

Your Product Isn’t Selling?


A laptop sits at the center of a table, the words "New Product" are on the screen.


There’s No Market For Your Product

A woman works on her tablet, with a stylus writing pen. She circles a few things out of many, on the screen of her tablet.Let’s say that you’ve created your own product. You may have gotten carried away by your big idea because you love it and you’re sure other people will too.

So you go through the design and creation process with unbridled optimism. When your product is finally ready to market, you begin advertising and wait for people to buy.

But if there’s no real market for your product, then those sales will never come in. Perhaps your idea is irrelevant, pointless, or outdated. It could be any of these reasons but one thing’s for sure, your product isn’t selling.

Tip: When you come up with an idea, you need to begin right there! You have to find out if your idea has any value beyond your imagination. Speak to everyone, everywhere.

From the people in your Tuesday morning yoga class to the entire waiting room at your doctor’s office, you need to get an idea of what a broad, non-biased group of people really think of your idea.

A woman is surrounded by several men and women as she explains something that looks very important to everyone.Research similar products on the market and get an idea of how well they sell. When you’re ready, hire a market research company such as Praxent, who use real-user testing for product ideas.

As Praxent states on their website (link above), “Having an idea is one thing. Knowing users will love it is another”. If you have skipped these steps with your own product, it may be time to go back to the drawing board.


Your Product Isn’t Good Enough

A woman stands alone with a new yoga mat underneath her arm. She's dressed and ready for class.It’s rare that a product will be completely unique, so there are most likely similar products to yours already on the market. But if your product doesn’t stand out from all the rest in any real way, it will surely struggle to sell.

It needs to have the functionality that’s missing from similar products and should be competitively priced. It needs to go through quality control testing to make sure there are no faults, bugs, or glitches.

If your product isn’t good enough, for whatever reason, then you will always fall behind your nearest competitors.

A yoga practices on what look like brand new matsTip: You need to commit to research your product idea; it’s as simple as that. So when creating your product, you need to make sure that it has a unique selling proposition at its design stage before you inadvertently create something inferior.

If it doesn’t stand up well against similar products on the market, then it will struggle to sell. Unless you undervalue your product by selling it at a dirt-cheap price, your potential customers are always going to buy something that appears to be of greater value, both aesthetically and functionally.


You Aren’t Doing Enough to Market Your Product

A single professional lighting mount, shines a light toward something off of the picture.If people have never heard about your product, then it definitely isn’t going to sell. That’s just basic common sense. In order to be successful, you need to get out there and literally push whatever it is you are selling.

This begins with a photo shoot of your product for the product launch, using some of the strategies here to make your mark.

Next, you need to have a well-crafted marketing strategy, which should include a social media marketing strategy as well. These marketing strategies are in place to make sure that your target demographic has the opportunity to hear about what you have to offer.

Tip: There are hundreds of websites online with tips on how to market your product, including the ideas given by startupbros. Social media, press mentions, and email marketing prove that there’s a lot you can do to promote your product and get the word out into the public’s consciousness.

Three women sit around a design table, brainstorming a projectThe responsibility is on you to put the effort in, but you can always consider hiring a marketing team if you need help.

You should also consider your website and work on optimizing your product pages for SEO or Search Engine Optimization.

Your potential customers might not find your website, otherwise, as very few go beyond the first couple of pages after doing a search for something.


These are just a few of the reasons why your product isn’t selling. Definitely look into every viable reason on your own time. Then take these suggestions into consideration and make any necessary changes you see fit.

Hopefully, your product sales will start to pick up and you’ll start seeing the profits that you deserve. If you have any tips from your own experience, be sure to share your wisdom with us in the comments!


Jessica Rose Adams

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