0 In Balancing Your Lifestyle & Business/ Self Improvement at Home & the Office/ Time Management for Busy Biz Mamas

How To Organize Your Life In Style

Last Updated on September 18, 2019 by Jessica Adams

It’s 2019 and with a new year comes the inevitable “cleansing” (aka: organize your life) of our minds, bodies, souls and nowadays, all of our possessions?! This sudden worldwide need to “purge” stems from the still-going-strong aftermath that was the craze of 2014, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”. 

Now, unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard about author Marie Kondo and her guidance for “determining which items in your house ‘spark joy’ (and which don’t)” and her advice to the masses that we choose to “surround (ourselves) only with things that spark joy”. 

Consider the different areas of your life, like ‘work-life’ & ‘home life’. What are some things that you could do to encourage balancing your lifestyle & business? Could you potentially re-arrange and organize some things in both areas, thereby improving the balance between them moving forward?

You should make sure to plan how you’ll organize your life more effectively today! When it comes to achieving a balance between your personal and professional lives, this takes some real planning. Here are some tips you can use to help you organize your life, balance your lifestyle & business, and while you’re at it… determine which items in your house “spark joy”. 


How To Organize

Your Life In Style 

A color-coded planner is open on a desk, female hands are writing in it.


Let Your Phone Assist You

A young woman stands with a notebook in one hand and her cell phone in the other. She's looking at something on her cell phone.Well, it’s 2019 and officially, 2.71 billion people use smartphones. That’s a little over one-third of the entire world population! Since that’s more than 1 out of every 3 people, it’s likely that you have a smartphone yourself. So let your phone assist you throughout your day-to-day activities.

Your phone can be used to make appointments, keep your calendar, etc. But you knew that! Ever since apps became the norm and kids with very little coding knowledge can make them these days, imagine what the more sophisticated ones can do!

You take care of your meal planning, grocery lists, and recipes on one app, then track your steps, heart rate, and play music on another app. Plus, with so many popular project management and planning apps, you could definitely become more organized. You can really make the most of your smartphone these days and be able to control most of your entire life easily, as a result.


Mobile Banking Can Organize Your Life

Mobile banking has been around, almost as long as smartphones themselves. I can remember when online bill pay was still this new idea that people were encouraged to “look into”, now it’s a way of like for most! 

These days your ban likely has their own smartphone app, all the big banks, many medium ones, and even some smaller banks. Your paycheck can still go directly into your bank account as usual and you can have immediate access through your bank’s app.

A woman checks her cell phone in hand, while sitting at her laptop.You have Friday night dinner plans and don’t have time to cash after work? Needing cash is pretty much becoming obsolete these days but my point is, you don’t even need to go get it! These days, you can make payment using your smartphone to scan your digitally stored bank card, right from your table.

If you’re serious about organizing your life in style, convenience is one of those things to take into consideration and online/mobile banking is extremely convenient. Make it a priority to download your bank’s app and get all setup, if you haven’t already.


Keep a To-Do List at Home

Okay, so far everything I’ve mentioned has been all about mobile but there are things you can do to organize your life in style, from the comfort of your own home. If you’re serious about making the right changes in your life, it’s important to have a to-do list that lives at home.

A pen floats above a calendar, bound in spiral.A lot of people swear by having a large family calendar in whatever room they all spend the most time in (dining room, family room or kitchen, usually). Depending on the size of your family, you can try assigning different colored pens for each person to write out their activities.

Being able to see what everyone else is doing during the same period of time is really helpful to everybody. You may realize that someone has an event on a certain night and needs to use the car. Then you may decide to switch something around to another night because you too need a car but what you’re doing isn’t terribly important. 

Having something written out as a reference point is so important for the whole family, as it can help everyone to prioritize their important things while sharing your whereabouts with each other.


Stop Wasting Your Time And Get Sh*t Done

A laptop sits in the background, one side of the home office desk. On the other side, in the foreground, a stack of notebooks and reading books are piled high, with a handwritten journal open-faced on top of the pile.When people get into really ‘getting organized’ for the time ever or just in a while, they tend to talk about doing things rather than actually doing them. Stop procrastinating and wasting time, and instead get out there and start doing the things that will get you organized.

Getting yourself and your business, family, health & fitness, etc, organized and following a real routine, is a big deal. In fact, you may even go as far as saying that you’re ‘taking charge of (your) life!’.

Organizing your entire life is really going to help you achieve greater success in each area of your life. Think about what it will really take to improve the way you are living. Then map out a way you can get yourself where you want to be in the short and long-term. 


I don’t know if looking at everything you own and asking yourself if it “sparks joy” in your life, is going to do anything at all for you. But the concept is trendy right now, so let’s jump on this bandwagon together because it’s never been a better time to organize your life in style!


Jessica Rose Adams

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