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5 Ways To Stay Focused And Motivated

Last Updated on February 20, 2019 by Jessica Adams

When you’re building a business of your own from the ground up, it’s essential for you to stay focused and motivated. Sure, you’ll experience distractions in life, however, this is less about minimizing the distractions that come your way and more about how you handle them. Hey, ignoring them altogether works fine too!

If you’re going to really make waves in your new business, you need to make sure that you’re focused and motivated. You’re likely to find that you need to have key sources of motivation that you can turn to when lack of motivation or a distraction pops up. Let’s take a look at five types of motivation that you can turn to when you need to stay focused.


5 Ways To Stay

Focused And Motivated


A woman is facing the sun with this epic stare on her face...


Keep Your Goals Front Of Mind

The number one thing that will consistently help keep you focused and motivated (in my humble opinion), is making sure you have goals and they are right out there in front of you, every day. When you’re keeping your goals in front of you at all times, you’re literally focusing on what it is that motivates you. Boom!

I recently talked about the importance of keeping your goals in a planner or journal that you can take along the way with you. In fact, so-called “planner addicts” often keep an additional weekly planner just for writing out their goals and how close they are to achieving them. It’s a brilliant idea, isn’t it?

This way you’re doing your part to make sure that you’re committed to staying motivated. When you’re driven by your goals, you’ll find you stay focused on achieving them.


A man and a woman are at an art gallery, stopped in front of a painting that both seem stare at in unisonSurround Yourself With Like-minded People

From here, you might then also want to think about the kind of people that you surround yourself with. Because whoever you’re keeping in your company will likely have your ear on their opinions, etc. When you surround yourself with like-minded people, you make sure that you don’t end up completely distracted by far-reaching views from your own.

Of course, you’re never going to properly grow as a unique person with life experience if you’re only ever surrounded by people with the same opinions and viewpoints. It’s important to be exposed to conflicting viewpoints in life, so long as it doesn’t interfere with maintaining your focus.


Network With Others

Another really simple way to make this all work is for you to think about connecting with other entrepreneurs too about your business ventures too. Sometimes, being around like-minded people isn’t enough. You need to be around other leaders or entrepreneurs.

For this, you might want to attend events or listen to leadership speakers to keep your momentum up. Because motivating, positive leaders are the entrepreneurs that will be truly inspirational to you.


Surround Yourself With Positivity

Two women are laughing and smiling during a conversation.First of all, something that is really going to help drive you here, is positivity. So surround yourself with it! Take your idols or muses or mentors and listen to them all day long. Listen to motivating podcasts, read business books, or watch inspirational YouTube videos.

All of it will help act as a driving force for you to stay focused on what you truly want to do. Now, if/when negativity rears its ugly head in the form of something or someone you trust to empower you with positivity, it’s imperative that you have strategies in place to remind yourself not to bend, under any circumstances.


Do What You Love

Now, this one is a bit of a curveball – but it really does ring true. If you are doing work that you are not that passionate about, it will show. Remaining focused and motivated, or even starting off at either of those points, is extremely difficult.

However, if you find that you are doing a job you love, you can get lost in it for hours and days to follow. And this is ultimately what we, as entrepreneurs, should be aiming for.

So, really think about what you might like to do for work. What might truly set your soul on fire? Figure it out and then stick to that! Because, when you do, you won’t need to find your focus or motivation ever again.



Jessica Rose Adams

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