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3 Mistakes Not To Make When Improving Your Business’s Curb Appeal

Last Updated on February 13, 2019 by Jessica Adams

If you’re like me and watch your HGTV, you know that the concept of ‘curb appeal’ has to do with residential homes but it’s also important for businesses. If the outside of business’ building looks run down, there’s a good chance that customers will walk right past.

But if a business’s exterior is well-maintained, customers are likely to equate that look with the standards of that business. With these thoughts in mind, it can be helpful to look at your offices’ exterior.

Afterward, you may realize you need to make a few – potentially significant – changes. As you plan these upgrades, you will naturally want to focus on what you need to do. It’s also useful to factor in the mistakes you need to avoid, like the following three below.


3 Mistakes Not To Make

When Improving Your

Business’s Curb Appeal


An architectural masterpiece, a building so "over-the-top" looking yet aesthetically pleasing.


Focusing On Style Over Function

While beautiful signage and lush landscaping can increase your curb appeal, these elements should always be a secondary consideration. When upgrading the exterior of your business, functionality is the most important consideration.

Aesthetic touches can be included, but they must also be functional; such as, you can opt for a delicate, beautiful font on your signage if you wish – but only if you are absolutely sure your customers will be able to read it from a distance!


Noisy Renovations That Piss Your Neighbors Off

For any business, the need to keep up positive relationships with your neighbors is crucial. You want to be on good terms with your fellow business owners so you can enjoy a supportive community. This will significantly improve the prospects for each and every business in the area.

A contractor is sawing planks of wood with an incredibly noisy machine.Unfortunately, business owners find that improving their space’s curb appeal tends to jeopardize their friendly neighborhood relationships. This scenario usually develops when one business seeks to improve the exterior of their property and the ‘immediate’ surrounding areas.

The renovations can sometimes end up encroaching on the property boundaries of their neighbors. If this happens, relationships tend to break down quickly. Both parties can find themselves in legal arguments that demand time and money neither can afford.

Thankfully, the worst case scenario is entirely avoidable; take the time to find the right company for title surveys at the start of your project. This way you can make sure all planned upgrades will take place on your land, and your land only.


Choosing High-End Aesthetics Over ‘Quality’

Let’s say a business owner decides to paint the front of their space white or use high-gloss signage in their parking lot. They will undoubtedly achieve a crisp, modern look – and one which lasts for around five minutes.

The same scenario can develop with a variety of other aesthetic choices: they look great at the moment, but quickly deteriorate as mud, weather conditions, and pollution take their toll.

For most businesses, the need for convenience dictates that it’s best to opt for a quality exterior that’s easy to keep up. It’s better than an amazing exterior that will constantly need to be cleaned and frequently repaired.


Many business owners find that their efforts to improve the exterior of their business is impacted by one or more of the mistakes mentioned above. If you can avoid these mistakes yourself, you should be able to upgrade your premises quickly and efficiently… and still, look aesthetically pleasing!


Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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