0 In Balancing Your Lifestyle & Business/ Self Improvement at Home & the Office

How To Keep Yourself From Burning Out

Last Updated on May 1, 2019 by Jessica Adams

There’s no doubt that running a business takes a lot of work. But we’re also expected to live a meaningful life filled with lofty goals. Of course, one day we’ll attain those goals to ‘perfection’, right? I don’t know about you but all of that sounds like a recipe for burning out!

And if we lack support from either the business or personal areas of our life, we’re still expected to thrive. Burnout is something that so many business owners struggle with, and with good reason, considering the reasons mentioned above. Read on for some tips to help you stop burnout in its tracks.


How To Keep Yourself

From Burning Out


A man and woman are sitting at a table in a cafe. The woman looks tired and frustrated while the man looks like he's listening to her intently.


Set Short Term & Long Term Goals

One of the main reasons that people find themselves burned out is because they’re going about their lives without any real purpose. This is why goals are so important to have for every area of your life.

As a business owner, you know it’s important that you have clear goals for your business. But you already have all your business goals set laid out in your business plan!

But I’m not talking to ‘you’, the business owner. I’m talking to the kick-ass woman entrepreneur who’s been neglecting her purpose beyond business for a while now. 

Having goals allows you to create a framework for where your time is going and what you’re doing with it. In order to get used to setting goals, I recommend purchasing a planner that already integrates the setting of your goals into your daily schedule, as part of its format.

Once you get the hang of setting long and short term goals, you’ll know exactly what you’re working towards every day. You’ll also learn to let go of those little distractions, things that don’t align with your goals.


Create a Schedule Aligned With Those Goals

People tend to find themselves burning out from doing too much ‘busy work’ in a day. You know, those little distractions I mentioned before. Doing busy work just keeps you from the real work that needs to get done to move your business forward. This is why, as I mention in the section above, you should really get a planner!

A 3 picture excerpt from the Rituals For Living: Dreambook and Planner

I have my own personal, “tested and approved”, favorite planners that take goal-setting to the next level. They are the Passion Planner, BestSelf Journal & Planner, and if you want to set some intense spiritual goals while you’re at it, you must order Rituals For Living: Dreambook & Planner (shown in the picture above). 

Once you’ve set your goals and learned how/why you’ll be integrating them into your life, your daily schedule will essentially be your goals, broken down into steps. Of course, let’s not forget to add your meal prep ideas and doctor’s appointments into your schedule as well. Infusing your goals with your schedule will allow you to focus on ‘priority tasks’ every day/week without getting distracted from your important goals. 


Know When to Get Some Help

It’s important when you run your own business, that you can recognize your inability to do everything all by yourself. It doesn’t matter that your business is your ‘baby’. 

Not only do you only have a certain amount of hours in the day, but it’s also just not possible for one person to take on doing everything all alone. 

People weren’t meant to get everything done on their own. Human beings are ‘pack’ people, that why our dogs love us so much and we love them!

When it comes to getting help for my business, delegation and outsourcing are two of my favorite things! They say ‘it takes a village’, right? But it’s not just in your business that this should apply – it’s basically anything that you don’t need to be doing, that isn’t getting you closer to your goals.

Some help that you could ‘outsource’ in your daily life would be arranging a drop-off meal service at lunchtime or hiring an afterschool nanny. You could even try hiring one of those services that dispense medication in-office thereby saving you a trip to the pharmacy on your way home from work. 


Set Boundaries For Yourself

A woman sits on her bed alone, typing on her laptop.Learning to set boundaries for yourself is one of the most important ways to stop burnout in its tracks. And the greatest boundary you can set for yourself is in the art of saying ‘no’.

This can be especially difficult for us women at times when we have to say no our kids but don’t necessarily want to!

Creating techniques that help us say no without feeling guilty is one of the main keys to avoiding burnout.

You must remember that you’re entitled to spend your time and your energy doing what you find the most fulfilling in this life. You can certainly say no to anything you don’t want to do, and you don’t owe anyone an explanation.



Jessica Rose Adams

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