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Renovating Your Home: 5 Tips You Need to Remember

Last Updated on February 8, 2019 by Jessica Adams

Buying a home happens to be one of the most expensive purchases that you’ll make in your lifetime. Because of the large price tag associated with home buying, you may want to consider renovating your home. 

Aside from budget constraints, you might need to live in a certain neighborhood for its crime rate and school district. Finding a home that ticks off all of your wants, that’s in your price range, and is the size you’re looking for with all the amenities, is almost impossible. That said, it may be time to start looking for a “fixer upper”.

A renovation can often be a stressful thing to undergo, but with a big vision and even more effort, your dream home can and will be a reality. Here are some of the tips you will need to successfully navigate the process of renovating your home.


Renovating Your Home:

5 Tips You Need to Remember


An exterior shot of the interior of a renovated home (in progress).


Ask If You Need Authorization or Planning Permission?

A man and woman are having a discussion at a cafe. They look serious but friendly.If you’ve decided that a renovation project is for you, then you need to start thinking about the authorization and planning permissions you may require to get the work done.

This is especially important if you are planning to extend the property in any way, such as expanding the living and dining rooms or adding any extra bedrooms.

The good news is that since you’ll be working with a Contractor on your renovation, he/she should be able to tell you where to go online or in person for this information. It may seem like a big hassle but it’s worth it in the long run.


Research Different Materials and Options

A lovely while cottage with yellow and blue trim on the windows. There is a well-manicured lawn with individually potted plants all around the border of the house.There are so many approaches that you can take these days when it comes to renovations. When doing work to your property, it is worth taking some time out to research all the various renovation timelines.

Perhaps you want a certain style but it won’t work with the renovation timeline you’re on? It might be that you want specific timber supplies, either for the house or for the garden where a Landscape Supply Delivery option could be considered.

Or maybe you like the idea of going for an eco-friendly approach and adding solar panels to the rooftop. This choice would make your house more sustainable with the energy it uses and how it functions.

A big, beautiful bunch of a natural flower and plant arrangement. There's a woman holding the arrangement in the background. There is eucalyptus and tiny white flowers, joined by a select few colors of other flowers.Your own energy could potentially run your entire outdoor area by watering the lawn and making it easier to keep seasonal plants and flowers alive.

No matter which direction you decide to go, remember that you can never go wrong with fresh flowers! They’re easy materials to work with, interchangeable, and bring color to each room.


Be Creative With the Layout of Your Home

A tall blue wall is the backdrop for this room's layout. Two modern chairs are seated up against the wall, which acts as a library with small floating shelves holding books, spread out across the wall.If this is a project you are undertaking yourself (along with your Contractor), then you have the chance to get really creative with the layout of your home.

Take the time to think about what will work for you and your partner or family. If you’re the only one deciding right now, you’ll want to bear in mind that others may join you in this house someday. You want the design to evoke a feeling of warmth and inclusiveness.

Don’t be afraid to mess around with the current layout if it doesn’t work for you. Knock some walls down, move some beams, make rooms bigger, and reposition or add rooms to suit the layout of your new space. This is a chance to make your home literally, work for you.


The Two Rooms That Will Add the Most Value to Your Home

A farmhouse style, modern kitchen with 2 large pendants hanging from the ceiling, down the center island. The cabinets are all white but the accent color is a cool baby blue.One of the biggest outlays renovations can have would be with two specific rooms. However, these rooms can also add the most value to your home, so they are not to be avoided or ignored.

Both the kitchen and all bathrooms have the potential to be huge jobs. Think about it for a second, both rooms have a pretty major function in common. Do you know what that is? You guessed it, running water.

A luxurious-looking bathtub sits in the middle of what looks like a brand new bathroom.Each of these rooms needs to be at least near the plumbing so that you can hook the sinks, shower, and tub up to some running water.

It’s for this reason, the intricate plumbing reason, that these rooms cost the most to renovate. They can also take the longest time to complete. Making these areas a priority from Day 1 can help you stay on track.


Don’t Forget To Have a Contingency Plan

This is a home office with a desk and chair in the corner. On the desk is a laptop, some papers. and a potted plant.Finally, it is so important for you to create a budget when it comes to renovations. Right from the beginning, you want to hire an excellent Contractor. All the rest you’ll want to be done for as little money as humanly possible!

Anything your Contractor advises you to do to help bring the costs down, take their advice. Once your budget is in place and work begins, try and remember to have some form of contingency fund and plan.

Most issues are often identified at the start of a project but due to the nature of renovations, you need to be ready for when issues that weren’t seen in the beginning, suddenly come to the surface.

Things can go wrong when you least expect them to. This contingency or emergency fund will help to make sure that you can keep the work going until the time comes that your project is complete!


Home renovations can go all kinds of wrong… but in the end, they almost always turn out to be simply amazing!


Jessica Rose Adams

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