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How to Make the Right Impression on Your Big Business Trip

Last Updated on March 10, 2019 by Jessica Adams

A big business trip can present several chances for advancement at your job. You could work on closing a deal or building new business relationships. In fact, you could impress people who might be interested in buying from you or working with you. Creating the right impression is a key element in each of those examples.

You need to do what you can to make sure those impressions are positive and constructive. It’s about creating the right reputation for your business and showing everyone that your business is worth taking notice of. The following are five ways to make the right impression on your big business trip.


How to Make the Right

Impression on Your Big

Business Trip


A woman sitting inside an open-air vehicle, in an exotic location, looks pensive yet excited about what lies ahead


Be Prepared 

A laptop sits on a table in a modern officePreparation really is key when you’re planning a business trip. You want to make sure that your business is ready for the challenges that lie ahead and that you’re able to deal with whatever curveballs that may be thrown at you on your trip.

Set clear goals for what you want to achieve and how you’re going to achieve them before the trip draws to a close. If you don’t do that, you risk confusing your approach.


Don’t Treat This Trip Like a Vacation

If you’re heading somewhere warm and exotic, there might be some temptation to enjoy your surroundings a little too much. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying your business trip.

But you don’t want to fall into the habit of treating this trip more like a vacation than a business gathering, which is what it really is. Seeing this event for what it is will help you focus on the goals that matter most. Then your overall productivity will be narrowed in on the business side of “business trip.”


Arrive in Style

An airplane is the image's foreground while the sun sets behind itCreating the right impressions on your business trip often means projecting a high-end image of yourself and your business. That’s why many companies (that can afford it) choose to charter a private jet.

You can get a Private Jet Charter Quote and see if this is something that works for you. It’s certainly a first impression that shows you mean business, and that’s never a bad thing. But if you’re looking for funding, such as you may want to show that you need money a little more…


Listen & Learn

Business trips are often about learning from the people you meet and finding out how things are done differently in your position. You can learn a lot if you make an effort to listen and observe those around you who have been in your industry a lot longer. Of course, you need to be proactive and seek outcomes at times too. Just don’t pass up the chance to learn something new and useful.


Bring Ideas to Share

A woman stands next to another woman who is sitting down. The two of them are smiling and having a positive conversation.You’ll be meeting with clients and colleagues that work for other businesses in your industry. If you can put together a few forward-thinking ideas, you’ll have the chance to impress them. Try putting together an idea that you and a colleague can work on together.

Talk about innovations and changes that your business is excited about. Then talk about how a collaboration would take your ideas to the next level. This shows that your business is one that is looking forward to the future and not behind to what’s already come and gone.


Planning for your next big business trip should start now if it hasn’t started already. The more time you put into the planning, the better the outcome will be for your business. Know what you want to do, set goals and then make sure you crush them!


Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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