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How To Make Running a Profitable Blog a Smooth Process

Last Updated on January 22, 2019 by Jessica Adams

We tend to consider running a profitable blog to be a relatively difficult venture. Ask anyone who’s been blogging a few years and they’ll tell you, one of the best ways to earn an income with your blog and social media influence is through sponsored content; posts, live streams, and advertising.

Blogs play an extremely lucrative role in the lives of increasing numbers of people. How does someone take their blog from editorial how-tos to an influential hub of sponsored content and ads? Is it too far-fetched to imagine you could do this?

Woman in kitchen smiles at the tablet in her hand. A blender filled with green juice and more veggies, sits on the counter.Is this idea only meant for the handful who actually make 7 figures blogging? Companies are slowly but surely recognizing that today’s consumers are online, reading blogs belonging to popular housewives making healthy smoothies, instead of listening to celebrity endorsements on TV commercials.

So big brands are tracking down the most successful blogs and social media personalities. They recognize that if they place their ads where consumers are actually focused, they can gain attention for their own companies and generate some sales.

These ‘influencers’ are paid very good money to use the headings, footers, and sidebars of their blogs as advertising space. Companies are also paying bloggers to actively plug specific products in their live stream videos or to write genuine reviews on their blogs.

So, if you like the sound of earning good money doing something you’re either already doing or happy to try and do, blogging might be a perfect fit! Here are two important variables to remember, to make running a profitable blog as smooth a process as possible.


How to Make

Running a Profitable

Blog a Smooth Process


Woman sitting on couch, feet up. Her laptop is on her lap as she types, focused


Have Access to IT Support

When you run a profitable blog, it’s your job to be online almost all the time and consistently. Not only do you need to use your blog to write posts but if you’re a success, you’re probably streaming live on social media throughout the day. You also likely need access to photo editing software to create stunning visual content for your posts.

Woman in front of microphone, removing her headphonesIt’s absolutely imperative that you not have regular IT issues. If you’re offline a lot or not posting due to technical difficulties, you could lose momentum with your audience. This could eventually lead to losing your audience and your sponsors as a result.

Collaborate with professionals in IT support at https://www.f1networks.com/services/network-support/ to make sure that your website and social channels are never ‘down’ when you’re needed online. They will be able to help you out with a whole host of essential tasks, including network security and testing.

Your IT support can help you with user-specific account management, network troubleshooting, and server management too. All of this will help to cut your chances of falling prey to hackers with email/website encryption, spam filtering, and archiving encryption.

Avoid Controversy

Many online personalities’ greatest downfall has been that they slip into controversy. Remember that when you run a successful blog or social media channel, you become a public figure. You are in the public eye and you need to be aware that the slightest wrong action on your part could kill your reputation.

Not only is this bad for you in a personal sense, but it could destroy your online reputation and career. You could lose followers, people may stop reading your blog or boycott it altogether. Unfortunately, the less traffic that hits your website, the fewer sponsored opportunities you will receive.

Attractive young woman looks right into the camera with one arm crossed and the other, holding her head as her face looks tired/sadAlways make sure to be careful what you post and say online. Anything that’s put online is essentially there forever. Sure, someone could take down the negative comment you made or remove the inappropriate picture.

Usually, by the time unflattering things are removed from the ‘front end’ of the web, so many people have already seen the controversial material. As long as those who saw the content speak out, they technically have your reputation in their hands.

It’s important to make sure that nothing could ever be misinterpreted. Because once you do something online, it’s out there and there’s no turning back. This self-editing process may seem extreme, but it is essential for maintaining your reputation and success.


As you can see, blogging can be an extremely appealing career option. But you do need to take active steps to make sure that the entire process doesn’t hurt you more than help you. Hopefully, the above advice will help you to experience success for as long as possible!


Jessica Rose Adams

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