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Responsibilities You Need to Prioritize When Taking On Employees

Last Updated on January 19, 2019 by Jessica Adams

When you first start your own business, you tend to take on pretty much everything alone. There are several reasons for this. Many of us don’t have the funds to recruit and hire our very own team right off the bat.

Then there are those of us who really want to navigate every step of the direction that our new business takes. Ultimately, we want to control ‘our baby’ from inception to, eventually, others’ perception. From the business, marketing, and branding, to the products we’ll offer our customers. 

Eventually, the time will come when your own expertise isn’t enough to get complete everything you need to get done. Chances are that you don’t know how to build a website from scratch, know a whole lot about market research, nor do you have a grasp on the concept of brand awareness.

This is when it’s time to develop a team of employees, each with the strength or specialty in an area where you lack just that. But taking on a team of employees is a huge responsibility. There are a few major areas that you must focus your energy on, upon hiring them. Here the areas that you’ll need to prioritize when you take on employees!


Responsibilities You Need

To Prioritize When 

Taking On Employees



when you take on employees


Health and Safety

“Safety first”! That will never mean as much as when you’re responsible for another person’s safety. When you hire your team, taking on employees, you become responsible for their health and safety in the workplace.

when you take on employeesThey need to be able to come to work knowing that they are being provided with a safe, healthy, and comfortable environment. Also, that the tasks they’re carrying out and different types of equipment that they’re using are also safe.

Start researching health and safety ‘rules & guidelines’. Implement these guidelines into your businesses rules and guidelines as soon as possible.

If you have any commercial property where even a single employee will be working on the premises,  you must have proper signage and all machinery must be signed off by a safety inspector. There must also be fire exits and fire safety measures in place. 



when you take on employeesAs you know, your employees work for you in exchange for payment. So it’s absolutely essential that you pay these people on time!

They’ll have financial agreements and obligations of their own. It’s important that they are paid on time so that they can manage their own finances.

Did you know that paying your employees on time is actually good for you in terms of keeping your finances and accounts organized?

Since it’s so important that your employees have an income they can count on, don’t worry about getting help with your payroll at GudorfTaxGroup.com/services/payroll-services.



when you take on employeesWhenever an employee is new, especially in a new business where there isn’t a former employee that used to have your role, training is an absolute necessity.

Not only do your employees need to know exactly what is expected of them in order to do their jobs, but it’s your responsibility to provide adequate training for the role that you’ve hired them for.

If an employee is ever promoted and there are changes to their role, you’re responsible for preparing them for this new role. This may include a training manual, online videos, etc.

If your newly promoted employee’s new role involves implementing new software or equipment, extensive training for this position is absolutely crucial. This will help to ensure that she/he can complete their work to the highest standard.


These are just a few different areas to focus on when it comes to your responsibilities as an employer. Make sure to carry out these essential routines into your new business as soon as you start!


Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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