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How to Open a Wildly Successful, Woman-Owned Auto Shop

Last Updated on January 16, 2019 by Jessica Adams

If you’re a woman who loves to fix up cars, you may be looking to start your own woman-owned auto shop, but not know where to begin. The wide range of auto shops owned by men must be a great motivator to get out there and start your own woman-owned auto shop!

You already have some of the best mechanics (that’s right, women!) at the forefront of your field. If you love to ride cars, love to fix them, and want to break into this industry, read on for info on how to do just that.


How to Open a Wildly

Successful, Woman-Owned

Auto Shop


Woman-Owned Auto Shop


Find Your Funding

woman-owned auto shopThe most important thing that you’ll need to get your automotive business off the ground is some funding. This will set you up with the financial stability to make sure that it can last for those crucial first six to twelve months that you’re in business.

Whether you’re looking at using your own savings or asking family and friends for help, make sure that you plan it all out meticulously. You can also try to get a loan from the bank or a private company but of course, that all depends on your credit score.

Enlisting the help of a financial planner or some other professional with a background in automotive mechanic businesses would be a good idea. Do not mess this up, as it is truly fundamental to the success of your woman-owned auto shop.


Get Some Tools

woman-owned auto shopThere are a few tools that you’ll need from the get-go, and if you’re going to open up an auto shop, you can’t begin without them. Whether you rent them from somewhere or buy them straight out, make sure that you look into what you’re going to need.

Don’t forget to source every tool for the best price and have everything delivered, in plenty of time for your proposed launch date. If you want to make a good impression on your customers, make sure you get the best tools, from the PTFE tubing to pneumatic lifts.

Eventually, you’ll be well on your way to having all the things needed to make your venture a real success. Of course, the tools you need will gradually accumulate over time…


Hire Some Staff

woman-owned auto shopThe staff in a business can make or break it. As an entrepreneur about to open your first business, you need to make sure that you’ve got the right people on board to help you bring your vision to life. Make sure you construct some good interview questions and use those who not only have the best qualifications but those that you connect with as well.

I’m not saying that you need to become best friends with each person. But if you don’t ‘click’ with your own staff, it’s going to make for some long work days and probably cranky nights. You’ll find yourself complaining about your co-workers, just as you would at any other job.

This is your business, surround yourself with the highest caliber of hardworking and talented people who you possibly can. When you have a great team behind you, it will enable you to develop the ideas that your staff comes up with and this will only help your business grow.


So, to recap, there’s a lot to think about before you open your own automotive business. From making sure that you have good financial backing, to getting the right tools you’ll need for this business.

You also need to make sure that you have a great team behind you so that you can be sure you’re all on your way to success together. Good luck with your auto shop!


Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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