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Strategies To Free Up Time In Your Business

Last Updated on January 18, 2019 by Jessica Adams

Time is one of the most valuable things in business, and yet many entrepreneurs and teams alike, are wasting it. When you waste time you waste money, which slows down your progress. It’s also a great way to kill off momentum! Below you’ll find some strategies to free up time in your business. 


Strategies To Free Up

Time In Your Business


strategies to free up time



strategies to free up timeFirst of all, you should know what truly brings value to your business, and where you make the most money. In business and marketing, this is also known as your ROI or return on investment.

With this in mind, you can zero in on tasks that aren’t delivering a high ROI, and eliminate them. Just because a certain task delivered a high ROI in the past doesn’t mean that you should continue said task if it’s no longer working.

You must consistently analyze what is and isn’t working for your business. This way you can be sure you’re not wasting valuable time and resources.



If you really want to free up time in your day, you need to stop wearing every single hat! You know, the ‘Jack of all trades’ who ‘wears all the hats’? Okay, enough puns…

strategies to free up timeIf you put yourself in charge of every department in your business, you’re wearing far too many hats. The best thing you can do for your business in the long run and your sanity now is to automate as much as possible! 

It can be terrifying to let go of all the responsibilities you’ve had to shoulder since the beginning of your business. But the fact that it’s all too much work for one person now is great news!

You’ve literally outgrown your duties to the point where your business must evolve in order to survive. Before you run off and hire 3-4 people that you would have to pay, listen up for some sage advice.

The Internet is loaded with FREE apps to help you run your business like you rule the world. There are apps for everything from project management, social media automation, time tracking, email marketing, and more!

You can set up a single app for a single task or in most cases, you’ll only need a few powerful apps that’ll allow you to collaborate and communicate with your (eventual) team, all on one platform!


Outsource & Delegate

strategies to free up timeOf course, automating your tasks can only take your business so far. Once you reach the next ‘growth spurt’ in your business, you’ll want to actually re-assign those tasks that are too much to automate.

Outsourcing in the perfect option to keep you from wearing all those hats. Once you’ve reached a point in your business where all the apps in the world can’t take on all the actual work there is to do, you’ll need to send the work OUT for someone else to do. 

You can literally outsource any/all administrative tasks, so when you’re finally ready to delegate some of your responsibilities to someone else, visit www.jungohr.ca to find out exactly how they can help you.


Save Non-Essential Tasks For Later

We all procrastinate, sometimes because we’re perfectionists or most likely because we just don’t like the work that we’re doing. Either way, it’s important to become more mindful of what we’re working on.

strategies to free up timeGetting your most important tasks done first thing in the morning has been proven to have a greater impact on completing the rest of your tasks throughout the day.

You’ll also want to be on the lookout for any distractions that disrupt your rhythm or cause you to procrastinate. For example, I’m a sucker for checking my email and social media notifications every time my phone goes off! 

Or if you come across a piece of content while on the Internet, that look likes an interesting read. You know you should be doing some research but you really want to read the latest article from Entrepreneur!

Fortunately, there are apps that can save it for you so you can get right back to that article as soon as you’re done working…



Jessica Rose Adams

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